Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

EDIT: Weather forecast just said wind chill factors could drop to below minus 50 in higher elevations. It will be cold enough for me here, in my little mountain valley.

I hope everyone who is facing these prospects are able to take care of their birds. Mine are out, enjoying the relative warmth but I won't even be opening doors tomorrow or Tuesday. I bought several heads of cabbage that I hang in the houses to keep them busy while in 'lock-down'.

Ouch. That is COLD. Good luck!
All I raise are Heritage Breeds and I've had them for years. I take my breed specs from the Livestock Conservancy in Pittsboro N. Carolina. I did have many more when I had huge losses from coyotes when we moved to our new place back in August. Now our coop is secured I've been planning on getting more pullets about Easter time. I have large breed Rhode Island Reds and Light Brahmas. I lost my big RR Rooster so I must have another before I can start hatching more chicks. My mother had a small flock of these marvelous birds and I'm thrilled when my 9yr old twin girls come running inside with an egg off the lawn just like I did when I was there age.
Our Annie with her favorite young Light Brahma Hen.
I hope Soon I'll have gotten another Rooster and started some eggs or I can get you some hatching eggs. I'm just out to promote my breeds! I'm a former nurse and Comm. college English Teacher so the history of these wonderful animals is really important to us! Susie Q
At the Bluebonnet Classic show today I won Best of Breed Wyandotte (White cockerel), Best Variety SLW , Best Variety White Wyandotte. I need to go through the pictures and see what came out. There were some Buff Orps that were HUGE. A pullet won CH English and a Cockerel won Res CH English, Cathy Gleason of Dallas owned the pullet. A RIR cockerel won CH American, and a NH Cockerel won Res American. I can't remember the rest off the top of my head I will have to look at the pictures.
Congrats. again. Loved the pics. Makes me fidgety to attend my first show!
Housing is the only thing that could help in -40 weather. No kind of feed is going to help in those kinds of conditions. This is a lot different than feeding grain in zero degree weather to keep them warmer.

Hi Walt,
I am worried about my boys combs.
However, I read that even Vaseline will not help
at these temps because it will also freeze.
Got any other ideas, anyone? It is still
42 here. wonder when the cold will arrive?
All the birds are snug in their coops with
extra chips, cracked corn, grit, and fresh water.
All this reminds me of that movie
" The Day After Tomorrow".
Last edited:
Hi Walt,
I am worried about my boys combs.
However, I read that even Vaseline will not help
at these temps because it will also freeze.
Got any other ideas, anyone? It is still
42 here. wonder when the cold will arrive?
All the birds are snug in their coops with
extra chips, cracked corn, grit, and fresh water.
All this reminds me of that movie
" The Day After Tomorrow".
Tomorrow and 'The Day After Tomorrow' is when the worst of the cold is supposed to roll in here...likely about the same time for you...give or take an hour.
I can't remember if I posted this before. I looked but couldn't find it in the list archive.
Poultry Success, Volumes 16-17 Sept. , 1905 .
Pages 10 and 11 .
How to Breed Exhibition Silver Gray Dorkings.
An Interesting Paper on Mating This Celebrated English Fowl For Best Results.

By Frank L. Platt.
Written Exclusively for Poultry Success.

Thanks for the input. Gread read. Love Google books. Downloaded over 40 free OLD books.

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