Heritage RIR vs production RIR

7 L I got a personel message and the person asked if I knew who you got your Rhode Island Red Chickens from. Did they advertize on this web site. Are they a high laying strain. Thats what this perosn wants. She is tring to get a strain of brown egg chickens that will lay a egg a day so she can start a home deleverly businnes. She has a large barn where she can raise two to three hundred females. She needs a good production strain. The Rhode Isalnd Reds that we raise will not help her make it with this bussiness .

Look forward to your reply.

I still do not know who the top three hatcherys are with production reds.


Bob I have very nice dark red production reds from Privett Hatchery. They also have nice birds period. If I have to order hatchery birds I will order from them... Also on the Ideal Hatchery the Buff Brahma Bantams they are awesome I have three pullets I would love to find a good rooster. They lay such large eggs for a bantam.
Agreed. Privett hatchery is who supplies our local feedstore, and, they're just like the others. Their "Ameraucanas" are just Easter Eggers, their Reds are your typical Production Red, their Rocks, Orpingtons, Australorps, and Leghorns all look the same. . . I could go on.

I've seen only one person with hatchery based Reds that were darker than usual, but still, their body type was very typical of a Production Red, and as usual, they were underweight.
I got my birds from Rooster Hill Farms. Here in Texas. They are laying Everyday I'm totally satisfied. I'm happy with their production & now have a roo to expand my flock.
I have had the heritage RIRs as well as the hatchery stock. The heritage girls did lay very well, were much larger than their hatchery counterparts, and much quieter and more laid back than Reba, Rosemary or Ruby were. I still have Reba, who is about to turn 5 years old and she still lays a couple eggs per week when she isn't molting.
I have noticed this to and my heritage ones are only about 2 months old now. I have been raising RIR productions since spring of 2013 and I have NEVER yet had one of them to climb up on my arm let alone my back or shoulder. My heritage ones will jump up on my arm and on my back and shoulder when I am leaning over their brooder. Their temperance is much milder and calm than that of the productions. I am already considering selling some of my production hens and just keeping a few for eggs to eat because the heritage ones are soo much easier to deal with and this is only after a month or so that I am seeing this difference. LOVING my heritage ones!!!
Production reds,and production rirs are all the same.Rirs,are a different breed.
Production reds are bred with,RIR,newhampshire red,with a lil leghorn to help egg production.

If your thinking their a lil too mean,that is sorta wrong.
Very docile,and great layers....
Heritage birds of any breed, should match up to the Standard pretty well, while having their purpose intact. Production birds are that, a production bird. They may have a slight similarity, but are generally crosses that are dual purpose birds.
For you poultry judges and long term breeders, can you tell us how many common breeding lines there are in RIRs? Underwood and Mohawks are two lines I have heard of. Are there others?

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