Herniated Chick needs help! (graphic photo)

Ok, I am pretty sure there are no intestines present....just the "fleshy red thing that may or may not be whatever is left of the yolk sack". I could be wrong, I only say this because I had a dis with it's intestines out and it looked MUCH different. Do I still commence the poking? I did go to work on chick while waiting on more help. (I know benny, I'm too fiddly!) But I read the initial wound management section on the Merck Veterinary Manual and it mention flushing wound with saline to remove the icky bits (maybe not those exact words!) . Then I looked into the incubator where it was....and all the post hatching :sick that was in there...and I couldn't just leave it. I put some water on boil, took chick-cup out and wrapped in towel. Disinfected the entire incubator, put chick-cup back in. Made saline from boiled water, put in freezer to rapid cool. Once cool I took chick out of cup and used syringe to rinse off red thing/wound. Then I coated the cup interior with antibiotic cream and stuck chick back in cup, back in incubator. Ok, so back to poking guts back in...
And yes, I can poke it back in. I have steady hands and blood has never bothered me, I just wanted clarification (again I know, thanks for being patient with me!) that this is what I should do.
Sorry wicked, I just am NERVOUS! So I wanted you to know what I did and clarify
That's fine. :hugs To me most of it looks like intestine. I circled it. The very end looks dried a bit. If that part is the yolk sac it hopefully isn't an issue. But if it's intestines it may be dried.

What I had with mine looked sort of like yours.
Yes...very carefully starting at the base and working very slowly.

For all of mine...I didn't disinfect anything. I was too afraid of getting liquid into the body cavity.

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