hey everybody, just joined, have came here quite ofton for advice, and found it by searching the forums, figured i would finally join. a little about me, i live in cenrtal ontario cananda, i have bin raising ringneck pheasants for years, and have also gotton into raising chickens, the last 2 years. currently i am breeding a light brahma rooster, with red sexlink hens, and have got 8 chicks that i am raising from them, they are about a month old now. we also have 2 horses. and now i have turned a new page in the farming book, and have decided to pick up a free billy goat that was posted on kijiji... everything i have read has said not to start with a billy goat, but it was free, and he's only 6 months old, so figure he's a good one to give a try... so will see how this goes LOL