Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I picked alot of peppers from the garden yesterday so... we are having chicken fajitas w/hm tortillas
I love tacos, I just put a note on my monitor to start a thread about my families "redneck" tacos when I have time to write a 500 word essay on the subject.
We Breakfast last night. Chicken sausage/Potatoes/onion and garlic fried together and eggs and toast on th eside.

Tonight is something with chicken, maybe Orange chicken with rice and veggies
Dunno about tonight but this was dinner last night!

Tbone topped with fresh heirloom tomatoes on smashed herbed potatoes along side a sauté of summer squash and greens with a touch of chile flake.

Then we had orange scented NY style cheesecake with a blueberry balsamic compote and fresh vanilla bean whipped cream with a few fresh berries for garnish!

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