Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Last night was pan seared pork leg on a bed of creamy red quinoa with greens.

Tonight is a mixed heirloom bean stew in a bacon and tomato gravy with fresh bread and baby lettuce salad with a very simple herbed vinegarette.
One of my home grown chickens, roasted, with a lemon butter sauce. Rice cooked in the broth from the previously mentioned chicken. Butter beans and tomatoes from the garden. The pepper jelly made yesterday. Home made french bread. Squash baked with brown sugar and pecans for dessert.

I've been up since 3.00 a.m. Will be glad to go to work tomorrow so I can get some rest.

I had lentils with smoked pork neckbones, corn muffins, and a big plate of garden fresh sliced tomatoes!! Started the oven for the first time in weeks since it wasn't even 90 degrees here today! Put me in a cookin' mood!

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