Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

@Happy Chooks ARG!!!! Have something to help you breathe?
No dinner tonight. Another fire, and this one much closer to me. This is from my house. My car is packed and ready to go, if needed.
Oh honey, stay safe! You all have had a horrid year for fires

Honey fixed dinner tonight. He made a version of Alice Springs chicken using the boneless/skinless legs. Good stuff!

Anyone else do freezer cooking for the crockpot? I've done freezer cooking for the oven, but am loving the crockpot bags. Made up two more tonight (Hawaiian chicken) and have ingredients for 4 more. With my recent increase in work hours, dumping is my kind of cooking
Tonight I made stuffed peppers, fried green and yellow summer squash, egg noodles, and baked sweet potato (for the Princess) - Right now chocolate chip cookies are in the oven.
Hey! That's what I had for dinner last night!

The cookies, not the food. But they were homemade cookies so they were nutritious, yeah. That has to be right.I sticking with that.

Spent the day planting the fall/winter garden. Too pooped to cook.
yesterday daughter and i had leftover pizza. I made the gf a recipe clone of zuppa toscana soup from olive garden. not really hungry but i'll prob make some cheeseburgers in a lil while, since the gf and daughter ate before they went to the parade.
Tried for the first time: Crockpot Lasagna. Was delicious.

That sounds awesome!

Tonight, we are having carne asada steak, broccoli and maybe some homemade focaccia bread.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We are doing fine, and the firefighters appear to be making progress. I'm not unpacking the car yet though.
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