Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Rachel, hope they give you some gravy tomorrow.
I hope you all have a happy safe holiday. This website in itself is one of the many things I am thankful for. I have found a wealth of information here as well as many who share their experience and experiences freely.
Be careful what you wish for....they had a holiday menu. The turkey was okay, and the dressing was actually pretty good, but institutional gravy, by the time it gets to your room....not so much. Decent pie, though. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We are having a mild day today here in SW Michigan. The temps are due to start dropping though. We are going to enjoy Pork on the grill. We have used this recipe many times and love it. http://www.food.com/recipe/slow-roasted-pork-loin-on-the-grill-71693 We will have roasted baby red potatoes, seasonal veggies and homemade apple sauce. We use the left overs to pull apart for hot pork sandwiches with mashed and gravy or bbq pork later in the week. If there is a lot left (depending on who makes it home for dinner grown kids and grandkids) I will can it up and toss it in the presto canner and put it on the shelf to use at a later date.
We are having a mild day today here in SW Michigan. The temps are due to start dropping though. We are going to enjoy Pork on the grill. We have used this recipe many times and love it. http://www.food.com/recipe/slow-roasted-pork-loin-on-the-grill-71693 We will have roasted baby red potatoes, seasonal veggies and homemade apple sauce. We use the left overs to pull apart for hot pork sandwiches with mashed and gravy or bbq pork later in the week. If there is a lot left (depending on who makes it home for dinner grown kids and grandkids) I will can it up and toss it in the presto canner and put it on the shelf to use at a later date.
I love that you can your leftovers, doesn't that just make for the easiest meal down the road? although I sometimes have a hard time using the things I've canned, I tend to want to "save" them...my honey keeps saying "tonight is what you were saving that for, go ahead and open it!"
I love that you can your leftovers, doesn't that just make for the easiest meal down the road? although I sometimes have a hard time using the things I've canned, I tend to want to "save" them...my honey keeps saying "tonight is what you were saving that for, go ahead and open it!"

I freeze left overs--put a date on them and eat them before they get too old.

I do make jelly but have not pressure canned yet.
I can for use on nights I forget to take something out of the freezer. For nights I need soemthing fast or for an unexpected group meal. Its great when the power goes out and I dont want to have to open the freezer any more than absolutely needed. Great for those baskets of food you hand out to friends for get well or house warming. You never know when an emergency situation will come up (layoffs or other hard times). I just rotate things out so that nothing goes to waste. We have 10 meals we eat every month that use food from the shelves. It keeps everything fresh. I also like knowing I have foods stocked up both on the shelf and in the freezer. I keep enough for 3 meals a day for 30 days for my family. Any more than that and I could not rotate it out as quickly as I would like since the kids are grown now. That is what works for me each person has to find their own comfort level. I enjoy canning and storing my vegetables to use over the winter. I like knowing what is in the food I am eating and being able to control the unhealthy things to some extent.
I suppose when I make the HUGE 'pot of whatever' (that I think will last a week and it is gone in two days), I could get enough to fill the canner.

I think some stew or chili for lunch would be great. Does it get too mushy when it has been canned after it has already been cooked?

Come to think of it, when the boy goes off to college my huge pots of 'whatever' might actually last a week. I need to learn how to do this.

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