Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Left over stuffed peppers - twice as good as the first day.

Tonight we will have roasted lemon-pepper-garlic chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, mixed summer squash and stuffing.
Left over stuffed peppers - twice as good as the first day.

Tonight we will have roasted lemon-pepper-garlic chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, mixed summer squash and stuffing.

@sourland - you always post the best stuff!

we are having polska kielbasa and fried potatoes.

great one thing if you don't know what to fix you can always look on hear and see what everyone else is fixing
@sourland - you always post the best stuff!

we are having polska kielbasa and fried potatoes.

Sounds pretty good to me. We may be going by the Princess's hometown next week, and if so we will stop at the Polish provisions place and stock up on lots of good stuff.
ended up having the kielbasa tonight, this is the first time I have ever had fresh kielbasa. I had to look up how to cook it., DH picked it up from a meat market in town, their private recipe. It is nice being back in WI, were we can find "real" food. The meat market is working on their recipe for Tripp Sausage, almost there he said. I can't wait, I love Tripp!
we had bacon and lettuce sandwiches... on fancy rolls..
This is funny--I found some "fancy rolls" at the bread store and took the easy way out last night, told the boys they could make Subway sammies at home--they loved it, and I didn't have to cook!

Tonight was shrimp stir fry and noodles. Albertsons has wild salmon on sale for $4/lb, so bought some of that. Will marinade it tomorrow for dinner tomorrow night with rice and probably cauliflower.

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