Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Sounds good, Redfeathers! I love making things up to use up things in my fridge. When my son was little, there was a show on the food channel where contestants would bring a bunch of ingredients in and the chef's would have to turn them into something tasty. I don't know if the show is still on (I have far less time to sit around and watch TV) but enjoyed it because it fit what I'm always doing in my own kitchen. Glad it turned out so nicely.

My dinner turned out great!
WE had frozen Marie Callendar pot pies last night, and for dessert I made gingerbread from scratch....I thought it was the best gingerbread I have ever had! With applesauce and whipped cream, too.
Chicknmania I LOVE good Gingerbread! Please share the recipe if you don't mind. MMMMM

Marie Callendars frozen food is the best (as far as frozen foods go). I just bought a Razzleberry Pie for dessert for Valentines dinner tomorrow.
Leftovers.. cuz I shopped 'til I dropped today ..rain, hail and all...

Now, I can go hide in my studio and design new "Phoenix Phurniture" for rescue support
I hit up my favorite upholstery fabric store ..while waiting for some of the worst storm to blow over ...and I SCORED!!

For tomorrow.. does anyone have a good Crab Cake ..tried and true... recipe? I also food shopped ..and I got some goodies
Aneesa's Muse :

Leftovers.. cuz I shopped 'til I dropped today ..rain, hail and all...

Now, I can go hide in my studio and design new "Phoenix Phurniture" for rescue support
I hit up my favorite upholstery fabric store ..while waiting for some of the worst storm to blow over ...and I SCORED!!

For tomorrow.. does anyone have a good Crab Cake ..tried and true... recipe? I also food shopped ..and I got some goodies

I copied this from All Recipes for my own personal use, I haven't tried them, but they look very good. I might up some of the spices like garlic or lemon, but I like lot's of flavor....it has great reviews on it too. If you do use it, let me know what you think.

1 pound crabmeat, shredded
1 1/2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1 egg
1 1/2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon ground dry mustard
1 dash hot pepper sauce

Preheat oven broiler.
Mix together crabmeat, bread crumbs, parsley, salt and pepper.
Beat together egg, mayonnaise, hot sauce and mustard. Combine with other ingredients and mix well. Form into patties and place on a lightly greased broiler pan or baking sheet.
Broil for 10 to 15 minutes, until lightly brown.​
I think so too though my DH said he likes the Banquet potpies, that used to come in the little tin pans (now microwaveable pans) better. But here's the recipe for the gingerbread (store didn't have any crystallized ginger), I love that stuff....but I used 3 TBSP ground ginger in it's place, and it was plenty gingery-y with that.
And I used hazelnuts instead of walnuts.

1/2 lb (1 stick) unsalted butter 1 C packed dark brown sugar
1 large egg 2 C all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 1 C unsweetened applesauce
1/2 C raisins 3/4 C chopped walnuts
3 TBSP finely chopped Crystallized Powdered sugar for garnish

Preheat oven to 350. Oil 8 to 9 inch springform pan. With electric mixer cream together butter and sugar til fluffy. Add egg and blend well. In a medium bowl, combine dry ingredients Add them to butter mixture, alternating with applesauce, to create a thick batter. Stir in raisins walnuts and crystallized ginger. Transfer batter to prepared pan. Bake 55 minutes or til toothpick inserted in center comes out clean Cool. Unmold onto round platter and dust with confectioner's sugar. Serve with real whipped cream flavored with touch of cinnamon, and/ or applesauce on the side. Yum!
Tonight we are having seven-layer Tex Mex salad, and, (probably) chocolate fondue for dessert, since it's Valentine's day, or maybe just a box of chocolates

We had apple breakfast lasagna for breakfast.
HappyValentines Day everyone!!!!!!

Nothing fancy here today. DS is gone so I fixed DH and I a shrimp cocktail dip that I will serve with some fancy crackers I hid way in the back of the pantry!!

Also I am baking a loaf of Jalepeno cheese bread to munch on. There is a bottle of wine chilling too.

So that will be dinner in front of the TV! Our netflix movie with Jennifer Aniston arrived just in time! Friends With Money, anyone see it? Also we have a Reese Witherspoon movie, Rendition to watch. YES I picked out the movies but he said he doesn't mind watching chick flicks with me, after all, it is Valentines day!!

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