Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Rosted whole home grown chicken, rosted squash with butter and brown sugar and a fresh green salad, plus dinner rolls tonight. Cold weather cooking, so glad it has returned.
the chickenchick I'm going to try this recipe. I'll let you know how I do.

Yes, we have one Black Fig and I picked well over 100+ figs this year. Unfortunately and fortunately this chickens LOVED most of them. I did give a lot away too. Wish you all lived closer so you could have some too.

Tonight, I think I'll have a chicken fajita style omelet.

Does anyone make stuffed Bell Peppers and freeze them? I have a bunch of red and green bell peppers that I need to do something with.

We'll be doing something mexican, not sure yet about all the details. SO picked up ground beef, avocados and tortilla chips. I made salsa using fresh everything from the garden. Except cilantro, mine bolted, so I have been buying it. We might just have nachos. If I had had more notice, I would have made refried beans.
I'm canning tomato sauce right now, so there is no room on the stove for anything else, beside my two huge pots.

I don't blanch peppers when I freeze them, but you might want to, if you are going to stuff them and then freeze them. I think the taste and texture will come out better.
Sandee, I did get some preally pretty peppers out of the garden this year, and i just cut them in half (longwise) and clean them out, and freeze them in a good quality freezer bag. Take them out, let them thaw enough to get apart without breaking, stuff them with your favorite stuffing and bake. I put mine in the crockpot, and use spaghetti sauce (the cheap stuff works great!) instead of tomato sauce, and they cook great!! Start them out on high, and then turn down to low when you can tell the meat is starting to cook good. I start mine early in the day, and that gives them plenty of time to get done for supper.
Sandee, I did get some preally pretty peppers out of the garden this year, and i just cut them in half (longwise) and clean them out, and freeze them in a good quality freezer bag. Take them out, let them thaw enough to get apart without breaking, stuff them with your favorite stuffing and bake. I put mine in the crockpot, and use spaghetti sauce (the cheap stuff works great!) instead of tomato sauce, and they cook great!! Start them out on high, and then turn down to low when you can tell the meat is starting to cook good. I start mine early in the day, and that gives them plenty of time to get done for supper.

Thank you for suggestion - which a good since I have a lot and so little room in the freezer. Think I'll put a portion in smaller freezer bag then stack in larger bag so I can just take out what I need and reseal larger bag.

Two nights ago we had Butter-Rum shrimp (omg it was good); marinated green beans, rice and honey-butter snap cookies and icecream for dessert. Shrimp, green beans, and cookies were recipes from Lee Bailey's cookbook and he's an awesome chef; even better than Emeril, I think. Even my kids ate everything!

Last night we had Gargoyle Tongues. (it is Halloween season, after all!
) They were ok. And lettuce wedge with ranch dressing, ham, and blue cheese.

Tonight I think we're having Hamburger Helper. Yech.
Last night was Sams Club pizza! We were out of town all day. Tonight the in-laws are bringing out ribs and I am doing mashed potatoes, gravy and a salad. Have a great rest of the weekend all!

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