Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Fresh homegrown Artichokes from the garden - the first of the season - YUM. BBQ pork chop and some mashed potatoes. Tonight some pasta and sauce. After reading on here about fresh pasta may be I'll take an adventure and make some myself - have all the cool kitchen gadgets to do it - motorized pasta machine with attachments - so guess I should use it.

Anybody have a quick and easy pasta dough recipe?

This is the easiest - I have it down to a science!

1 lb flour (you MUST weigh the flour!)
5 room temperature eggs

Put the flour in the food processor (knife blade) and crack the eggs in.
Mix slow and as soon as it forms a ball stop.
Remove, form into a loaf, wrap in plastic wrap and let sit 15 minutes.

Cut a slice and run through your pasta machine.
This is the easiest - I have it down to a science!

1 lb flour (you MUST weigh the flour!)
5 room temperature eggs

Put the flour in the food processor (knife blade) and crack the eggs in.
Mix slow and as soon as it forms a ball stop.
Remove, form into a loaf, wrap in plastic wrap and let sit 15 minutes.

Cut a slice and run through your pasta machine.

Thanks Going to try this out tonight. I'll report in tomorrow. I assume you boil for a very short period of time.

This is the easiest - I have it down to a science!

1 lb flour (you MUST weigh the flour!)
5 room temperature eggs

Put the flour in the food processor (knife blade) and crack the eggs in.
Mix slow and as soon as it forms a ball stop.
Remove, form into a loaf, wrap in plastic wrap and let sit 15 minutes.

Cut a slice and run through your pasta machine.

Thanks Going to try this out tonight. I'll report in tomorrow. I assume you boil for a very short period of time.

Boil in salted water for a good 5 minutes - just taste one and see if they're done. Also, the drier dough is easier to work with. Sometimes I'll get a sticky dough (eggs are different shapes and sizes) and then you'll have to lightly flour as you pass through the pasta machine.

I sometimes cut down this recipe to make less (just the two of us). Just divide 16 oz. by 5 = 3.2 oz. So for every egg, add 3.2 oz. of flour. I find it is difficult to make less than a 3 egg mix though.

My usual amount lately is 9.6 oz. of flour to 3 eggs. I find it makes enough for us. But try the 5 egg/1lb to start - you'll probably have leftovers but it's fun making noodles.
Thanks Going to try this out tonight. I'll report in tomorrow. I assume you boil for a very short period of time.

Boil in salted water for a good 5 minutes - just taste one and see if they're done. Also, the drier dough is easier to work with. Sometimes I'll get a sticky dough (eggs are different shapes and sizes) and then you'll have to lightly flour as you pass through the pasta machine.

I sometimes cut down this recipe to make less (just the two of us). Just divide 16 oz. by 5 = 3.2 oz. So for every egg, add 3.2 oz. of flour. I find it is difficult to make less than a 3 egg mix though.

My usual amount lately is 9.6 oz. of flour to 3 eggs. I find it makes enough for us. But try the 5 egg/1lb to start - you'll probably have leftovers but it's fun making noodles.

This was FRANTASIC and we are converted!!
A triple drool for sure. Thank you so much for sharing.

Yes, I had a ton of dough left over and going to make the rest and try drying it. I will try the smaller amount next time. I did have to add 2 tablespoons of water to get it to come together and it was a bit sticky but just a touch of flour and it was perfect.

But its all your fault
Now I have to go shopping for some new attachments for my pasta maker!!

Again, thank you so much and my husband and I agreed this puts us one step closer to being self-sufficient in making all our own food.

DRAGONFLY: Sooo glad you enjoyed it.
I make fresh noodles alot because my DH is a noodle freak! I haven't bought pasta in over a year. I don't dry them but I'm sure you can easily. I've frozen them before, but sometimes they'll stick together then.

Anytime I have too many eggs I make ravioli - they freeze great so make sure you get a ravioli attachment too.
After the lunch I ate today, I may not eat dinner.
Went out to eat at a French lunch place and had a rotisserie chicken with roasted tomato sandwich on a baguette along with a baby greens salad, some coffee and a petite chocolate dessert. Yummy, yummy, yummy!

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