HEY!!!! I've Been Re-Titled!! (and so have others)

Well,,,,this thread has really grown since I left last night. I have a lot to catch up on,,,,so were 'now' talking about,,, huh,,, lets see,,, picking the meat off of squirrels before canning,,, right?? Wow,,,sounds like I had a nightmare!!! Good Morning All !!!

Have you had your coffee yet?

Be sure you don't have a mouthful when you really look at your monitor.

edited for typo
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Too funny! I don't mind our squirrels but I've got one who seemed to be spending time in our garden shed a month ago. I had to knock on the door so it would go out onto the roof before I came in. I forgot a couple of times and we scared the stuffing out of each other. When it went out it would just hang on the tree next to the shed, then go back in. I have no idea what it was doing in there. There's no food. We carefully checked for a nest of babies but I think squirrels nest in trees? Who knows, I'm mystified by squirrel behavior in general!
I've never eaten it, but I have eaten bear.
I'm sipping now in fact,,,chickens are out,,cat is fed,,,watchin everyone on here pick fur out of their teeth,,,all has went to h*ll in a hand basket,,,,trying to focus,,why what did I miss,,,,that point on de- boning the rodent before canning,,,so cute!! The rest of BYC hates us right now??? What,,,,,
The penny just dropped,,,,need another cup of coffee,,,the Rooster is crowing at my window,,and believe it or not, I'm trying to hide behind my computer desk so he doesn't see me,,this is when I looked up and saw my very fitting new title,,,I think I love it,,,somewhat spooky though in this moment,,creepy in fact,,,,haha!!!!
Thanks Henrietta,,, I love it!! Still not awake,,,second cup of coffee,,,,still hidin from that Rooster looking in my window,,,I'm sucked up tight to the wall,,,hard to type,,,haha!!!

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