hey oegb breeders...new pics pg 4~ post #33

With both SDW and BB Red, you will not accomplish anything with a show quality male and SQ female. Both varieties are double mated to compensate for color differences between the sexes. Decide wether you want to raise good males or females and buy a pair or trio from one person as they would mate them not as they would show them. The Cock bird shown above with Nicholson listed across the photo is also a poor example based on hackle color, wing carriage, and tail fluff.
Here are a few decent pics of breeder birds, past thier prime for show.

okay thank ya
i want to focus on good looking cock birds for now i think
sounds like a good thing to try
what do i need to get
yea as u can tell i know nothing about breeding lol
Contact a few OE folks that will be there showing ask them to bring a Male line Breeder pair or trio... and hang on to your seat when you hear the price tag... You will not likely get a good start any other way as crossing lines often has poor results, crossing male line over female line doesn't work well either. You will be disapointed with the appearance of teh females from a male line but be specific as to what you want.

yea its a pretty bad picture but heres one of her standing up
i will defienity try and get a better pic tomorrow if i can
its raining and they didnt want to come in out of the rain
Hey Jarvis. That bird with the nickolson is your bird. You sent that to me when I was on the other site LOL. And I said he was only a fair bird.LOL
that other one is the one I dubbed this year.

icw1995 This is the guy who can set you on the right road. Most all I know I learned from him and we have never met in person.
These are a few of our BB Reds from this year.The best advice I could give is to start with the very best breeders that you can afford.I had another line of BB's that I worked on for 3 years but never could get the birds even close to where I wanted them so I got rid of the whole bunch.
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I sent you a pm.I have not shown up north so I'm not familiar with alot of the exhibitors up that way.But I would try to set something up with one of them before the show so they could bring you something.I know alot of people have better birds at home for sale than they will bring to put in the sale area at shows.Those birds will cost you more but it is worth it in the long run.

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