Hi all, any ideas?


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2016
Can you help me sex these cheeky birdies. And the breeds if poss. Cheers
Better pics of saddle area would help.
But from what I can see, top right & middle look like EE pullets, bottom right looks like a Delaware cockerel, bottom middle looks like Buff orp pullet. Not sure on the far left chickens- Cochins maybe?

Are they hatchery birds or is there a chance they're mixed breeds? I'm thinking mix on a few of them....
first bird looks like a mix. Feathered legs and straight comb could be Cochin, but the white skin is probably Orpington or Sussex. With that coloring, I'd guess Orp.

need a better pic of the black bird. Does she have a beard? And what do her legs look like?

third is a mixed breed pullet, probably with light Sussex background.

fourth, not sure if that's a pea or straight comb? It looks like it could be a pure bred bird from the leg feathering, but the color doesn't match anything I'm aware of on this side of the pond.

fifth could be a buff Orpington, but is that black ticking around the neck? If so, probably a mixed breed.

last bird is a cockerel if the same age as the others. With the white skin, I'm again thinking Sussex background. The barring could come from a barred Rock, most likely.

Here you go, i think she is an araucana

It is not a pure, judging by her single comb. She probably has some Easter Egger blood though.

This is the smallest one, bird #5

Buff Orpington mix pullet.

Mixed breed pullet.

The feather legged ones are Brahma or Cochin mix pullets, depending on comb type. The white cockerel looks to be a Delaware, but may be a mix since the others are as well.

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