Hi all, my baby chick hatched the other day and has been put in a brooder, how do I know he/she is getting along fine? She tends to just lay down alot


In the Brooder
May 9, 2022
I just want to know if he/she is okay, it's my first ever time rasing chicks and I'm very paranoid as I love the chick too much. ♥️
Think of baby chicks as a human baby…well kind of. They sleep a lot! They can lay in weird ways and make you think they might be dead. As long as they are eating and drinking and the temp in the brooder is between 100 or more as stated above, and they have a cool area, your little should be fine.
She tries a lot to stand up but tends to fall over, she's got a lamp to keep her warm
Babies sleep a lot. Can she stand up and does she move around normally? Do you have the temperature in the brooder at 100-deg more or less?
I saw you had another post that hen was attacking it. Is it injured? It is possible that the chick hatched with a problem and the hen knows it that is why she was attacking it. Do you have pictures of chicks standing and your brooder set up. We really need more information to help you.
Think of baby chicks as a human baby…well kind of. They sleep a lot! They can lay in weird ways and make you think they might be dead. As long as they are eating and drinking and the temp in the brooder is between 100 or more as stated above, and they have a cool area, your little should be fine.
Alright thank you for the advice! I will bear 🐻 this in mind ☺️.
I saw you had another post that hen was attacking it. Is it injured? It is possible that the chick hatched with a problem and the hen knows it that is why she was attacking it. Do you have pictures of chicks standing and your brooder set up. We really need more information to help you.
Will send you more information when I get home, he doesn't seem to be injured as we immediately took him away from the hen into the brooder.

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