hi from hernando county florida


9 Years
Sep 29, 2010
I am new to this web site and found it by wanting to know how to change the zoning at my house. I live on two acres in hernando county florida and already built my chicken coop for a couple (3-4) hens that I already picked out. My husband said to be safe and call zoning just to be sure I could have them, I thought he was crazy but did it anyhow and to my surprise I am zoned residential and therefor cannot have chickens. I know they are allowed in backyards all over that are residential like tampa and st. pete. Could somebody help me please.Im willing to do some leg work I just dont know where to start. Thank you:D
Welome to BYC. There's a section above that you can look into regarding changing local laws and ordnances....check it out when you get a chance. Good luck.
from south carolina/fla.
good luck
Hi, I'm brand new to Back Yard Chickens as well, but luckily for me my son has a place in rural Florida where we for sure can keep chickens. I live in Hillsborough County, Florida, and I've just assumed I couldn't have chickens in my sub-division, but I'm thinking now to double check the zoning regulations. First stop for me will be a call to the county zoning office to obtain exactly where it says I can't... Good luck to you!

As for starting my chicken adventure (I haven't kept chickens in decades), my son and I are building a chicken tractor on the frame of a utiltiy trailer. Any hints about how to manage the heat? I have the idea to use deep roof overhangs, walls open at the top and covered by hardware cloth for ventilation, maybe a solar powered vent fan. Wish I could move a good-sized tree around when I move the coop!

I'm happy to be here to learn and eventually share my experiences.


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