Hi from Raelene

Feathered friends

In the Brooder
May 15, 2018
Hi All,I'm a new member and I live in Forcett Tasmania.I have 14 chooks,2 ducks,2 geese and now a male peacock walked in the front gate and said,I love it here,think I will stay.We already have had peacocks and peahens and they all got sick in the end,plus numbers got out of control.So this fella will have to make do with chooks as I won't be buying any girlfriends for him.We fenced an area approx 2 acres and all my freathered friends are in there.I have no roosters as been there done that.We let everything free range and ended up with 40 roosters.Now my girls are happy and so is my garden.New peacock is displaying to the hens,so that's pretty funny.He can fly over the fence,so he is free to leave or free to stay.
Thanks,yes I did think I was going crazy when the male peacock wandered in,as after having so many awhile back,it's like they coming back to haunt me.My neighbour complained about them,we are both in the bush,so I thought,suck it up sunshine.Anyway to keep the peace I told her a peacock is roaming around and it's not mine,which technically it isn't,it's a free soul to go where he likes.

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