Hi I'm New To BYC From Northern California

Hi Brandi and welcome to BYC

Including your general location, under your avatar will help other members to give the best advice possible for any future input / questions that you may have.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Hi My Name is Brandi,
I'm new to BYC (Back Yard Chickens) I'm going to be purchasing my first chickens in April and they are due to arrive in May. My flock will consist of 9 female white sultans along with 1 male white sultan rooster, 5 polish females: 2 buff laced polish, 2 white crested blue, and a single silver laced polish along with 1 white crested blue male rooster. They will be just day old chicks that I am going to raise as pet purposes only, I'm not going to breed or anything of that sort. They will be for just eggs and pet purposes. I'm hoping to find sexed silkie chicks that I could add to my flock as well, I'm hoping to meet others with the same interests in raising chickens as pets as I have. I'm looking to learn all I can about proper care and housing facilities for backyard chickens, I'm also looking to meet other chicken lovers and chicken enthusiasts.
Hello and Welcome to BYC! (aka BackYardChickens)

It's wonderful to have you here with us! :ya
Thanks for joining! If you have questions, you will find your answers right here, on this brilliant site.:wee I think its awesome you decided to join and learn as much as you can before getting them! :ya
This site is FULL of all info you will want/need to know about chickens and all poultry in general (and even other animals). And full of active, and fantastic members, they're amazing.
Hope you have a fab day!
Best wishes!
Welcome to BYC!

Here is my best advice for navigating this forum:

Almost everyone here is an absolute expert on almost everything imaginable, take me for example I just left advice about freezing temps and I live in Southern California. So take the best and leave the rest.

Once you do get some good advice, and you will then follow said advice... Example being the guy who burned down his coop after being advised not to use a heat lamp in the coop and then talks about how to place the heat lamp going forward in the new coop....

Stay away from religion and politics, its just not worth it:oops:

Oh, and build BIG, chicken math is real:plbb

Welcome to the flock!

Gary from Idyllwild Ca here

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