Hi my name is Rachel and I'm addicted to animals....

Hi Rachel,  it's nice to meet another animal lover plus you get extra points for having dogs.  Shibas are getting very popular in our area.  I have never seen a black and tan in person(dog)  but I'm sure its very attractive.  

Animal lovers unite!

I saw a shiba for the first time ten years ago (I was tragically dogless at the time), and I knew immediately that a shiba would be mine and he would be my squishy (finding nemo, anyone?).

Fast-forward two years and I was ready to have two dog, Bear and Emily, but then accidentally ended up with a third (Kuma) after a local policeman contacted me because he heard my story with Bear from a local shelter. I told him only crazy people have three dogs.

Turns out I was right.

Because I'm crazy awesome? *Badum chish*. More so just crazy sassy.

Kuma is puppy chow cute... and he knows it!

Hi, Rachel....Here are a couple dog + chickens articles you might find helpful:
and https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/dealing-with-dogs-who-kill-chickens
Hope they help you out.  Can't say what I do that is that magical.  I introduce my day old chicks to my dogs - the dogs sniff them and then they're done.  They want to meet each new batch, do the sniff test and from then on they just ignore them.  I have a chocolate lab and a golden retriever.  They somehow just know that the poultry belongs.  

I'm going to try to introduce my dogs to the day old chicks, but my dogs may actually be secret murderers...so we'll find out if it works out!
G’Day from down under theladysings :frow   Welcome!

Thank you for a lovely introduction which I thoroughly enjoyed; especially the sass ;)

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member.  There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. 

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place.  BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out :D

Thanks for the kind welcome message!

My philosophy is that "sass + class = kicka$$".

I am definitely going to start taking and sharing pics! I may or may not have accidentally changed my fertile egg/chick orders to leave me with 30ish hens to keep...so I'll either be documenting chicktopia or chickenmageddeon. Either way, could prove interesting!
Wow, looks like you really care about animals (no matter what kind), it's great to know that there are still people out there who care for the glorious creature, I'm a mad cat lady myself!
But I love all animals

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