Hi :)

Hello and thank you for the articles!

I haven't built a coop nor set up a run yet but my dad plans on making one by the end of the month or at least until the chicks are feathered. :)
If he is doing this with limited time, he needs to start now. Those cute little fluff balls grow FAST!
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Bonjour :frowand welcome from France! Good luck with your new flock!
I haven't built a coop nor set up a run yet but my dad plans on making one by the end of the month or at least until the chicks are feathered.
Chicks will be feathered in about 4-6 weeks. Building a coop to fit 12 chickens is no small task, nor is it inexpensive. I hope he's a talented efficient builder! I haven't seen a prefab to hold that many birds for less than $1500. If you do find one, look at the dimensions, not what the box says it will hold. A dozen chickens will need a coop equivalent to about 6'x8' minimum with additional run space of about 120 square feet... just a guideline...
How Much Room Do Chickens Need

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