High Desert, California!!


It was nice to meet you too Flower. Loved your dirty footed Silky especially after her bath...... Yep the Pied Guinea spent a week in a cage in the coop but now hes running amok with the rest. He and Miss Peggy had a couple of sessions of ""I bite you"" ."" I bite you back ..... "" back and forth through the cage..... too funney. Miss Peggy lost a leg to a raccoon and is now low man on the totem pole until Mister Piedy showed up..... woo hoo now she has someone to boss around. It was good for her.

Not as high as you guys get..... we rarely go above 105. I know you get upwards to 115 - 120 on occasion.
Mostly during the summer its 95 - 100 but because of its location we get two breezes...... Sometimes from the Coast sometimes from the desert in Imperial valley. Coastal breeze smells of Iodine but has given up most of its moisture along the way. So we cool off at night Open all the windows and keep the swamp cooler going and soo cumfy. Then when the desert blows in its Ozone and electricity enough to make your hair stand up. I love love love the wind. I tell people I live where the earth breathes.
That is interesting about the ozone. In general the air here is clean except when the dust gets kicked up by either the WIND or the numerous dirt bikes. I hear that Miss Diva is doing fine at Allison's. We sort of traded, she picked up Victor for me. I like Guineas and reading the book "Gardening with Guineas" is what introduced me to chickens. Bug control was the issue. Beatles were eating all of my roses. Chickens were more easy to find than Guineas at that point. Later I started to raise Guineas and will have them again when I move to a larger and more rural area. Buff Dundottes to be exact. They are more docile and you are able to sex them at birth. There is a farm in Iowa that raises many different colors and I ordered eggs from them. It is called "The Guinea Farm" I believe.

Yup we just had four months of extreme triple digit weather here but I love winter ! Yuo you better believe everyone is happy for the change.
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Sorry that I didn't see this sooner. Dr. McClaine at Desert Care Animal Hospital on Main Street at 9th (NW corner) will see chickens....and anything that you can get into her office. GREAT VET!! We have been going to her since 2001. She recently added Dr. Keith Dan to her office, which we really like as well. Not sure if he see's chickens, but I know from personal experience that she does! She owns 'em herself as well.

edited to add: Their office # is 760-949-7387 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 760-949-7387 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Thank you for the info. We did hear that Julie McClaine was the Vet to go to for chickens and you are confirming it as well. We will go to her next time ( I hope it won't be soon at all). Unfortunately we found that out after we had taken our girl to a different place. The Vet was nice but not experienced with chickens at all. It turned out that our chick had a very low calcium level, she could not walk and her toes were curled up under her feet. We felt horrible. After reading that Hypericum (St. Johns Worth) was supposed to help with nerve damage, we gave her that every day. In addition we gave her a very calcium rich diet. We did not think that our girl would get better but she DID

During that time we had her separated and she stayed in our bathroom. After 2 weeks she was starting to slowly get better. She was able to stand up on her own and then she began making very small steps. Now she is back with the other chickens and all is good. It took a while for the others to accept her back but they did.
hey desert peeps,

I'm looking for a rooster that meets the following criteria:

needs a new home where he's free to be the king of the coop
is beautiful
is healthy, duh

the following breeds would be a bonus: speckled sussex, deleware, goldine campine, golden laced wyandotte, wellsummer, exchequer leghorn

Making my rounds through all the California threads.

Doing updates on lists on the first page of the California Whole State thread.

If anyone wants their breeder information added to the first post, go to the thread and post your information and list of what you have. Look at the first page and see how I list it and then post accordingly.


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