High Desert, California!!

perchie.girl :

I have seen dogs that could tear a hole in Chainlink but they usually kill and leave the carcasses. A bobcat would go over. so would a racoon. Maybe a coyote? Did you see any footprints?

So sorry to hear about your loss.
I was thinking coyote too. I would try to reinfoirce the gate with some hardware cloth or welded wire mesh. Just wrap the bottom 2-3 feet of the run right over the chain link. Chicken wire is pretty easy for a determined coyote or even a raccoon to get through. Don't let it discourage you from getting more chickens.​
hi everyone just moved back to phelan from n.c. nice to see there are people nearby hoping to get started back into my chickens again and maybe attend some shows chickenstocks etc nice to meet all of you hope to see ya in person!!!
Hey desert peeps. Does anyone have some big plans for what to plant for their chickens this year? I've been pouring over the sandhill preservation catalog all week trying to figure out my game plan
Hey desert peeps. Does anyone have some big plans for what to plant for their chickens this year? I've been pouring over the sandhill preservation catalog all week trying to figure out my game plan

Not going through Sandhill but I am getting Sumatra's. They are good fliers and that is my criteria for having free range chickens in my neck of the desert. My place is in a nub of the Sonoran Desert near the Mexican border so there is a lot of Chaparral for cover but due to the big rocks and lots of game we have Bobcat, Mountain lion, coyote, and feral dogs. Sumatra's can fly as well as the guineas plus they are black so they will be less of a target.

I also am going to get some Ameraucanas and Welsummers eventually But Sumatras are my next focus.
Hi all, I'm new here and to chickens! I'm in Yucca Valley and I have a starter flock of 8 so far with four more arriving in Aug.
I hate to introduce myself and then ask a question but we will be building our coop in the next two weeks and I'm wondering what type of ventilation methods you use for our oddball weather and wind patterns we deal with in the high deserts?
Hi. I am in Joshua Tree up on the Mesa. You are welcome to come by and see what we've done. Our setup seems to work pretty well. This will be our second summers. Send me a PM if you would like to come by.
Thank you for the kind offer, but I'd worry as my flock is very young and I'm unsure whether they were ever vaccinated - four I got from a guy in Johnson Valley I would bet money on that they were not- I wouldn't want to risk exposing your flock to anything I might carry from them to you. Just too risky! I would love to see pics if you have any! :)

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