Hippy fish breeding!


Jul 10, 2015
Currently residing in The Golden State
Hello everybody!
Hope ya'll are having a great day! I have finally made the decision to share my guppy breeding program here on BYC! I breed and show guppies, male and female. We breed, raise, buy, and sell many different strains/colors/breeds/etc. of guppies! We have pics of our fish if anyone is interested, though at the moment we are not selling or giving away. We recently got some new breeding stock from a good source. They are beautiful fish, ranging from tiny fry(baby fish) to beautiful males! We try to keep a ratio of 2 males to 6 females whenever possible. At the moment, we have over ten females ketch only a few males. We keep our fish mostly as a hobby, but we do sell, give away, and show our guppies. Please ask for any questions about our fish! I will post pics if anyone is interested in learning more! Guppies are great beginner fish and I would love to educate anyone new to fish about them! Whether pro breeder or hobbyist, guppies are amazing fish for many scenarios!

Thank you all for reading, happy guppy keeping!
I love that it changed it to hippie, I keep fish, not guppies in particular, I've had some over the years, I'm a fan of goldfish, go right ahead and share some photos, and feel free to share your setups and tips, been keeping fish sciences 2003, still have my original goldfish.
Very cool! I would love to see your photos. My room mate in college had guppies for a while and they were a lot of fun. They were just pet smart fancy guppies, so nothing show worthy, but we got a few babies out of them.
LOL - I was wondering about hippy fish breeding and how that might differ from regular fish breeding. I agree, guppies are a fantastic project fish -- not only for a beginning breeder, but for advanced breeders as well due to the endless possibilities of directions one can take a guppy program. I kept and bred live bearers for years, and guppies have always been my favorite in that group - they were also my DD's first breeding project when she started into the hobby (she ended up qualifying for and winning at national competition in FFA for her fish breeding project - which included her guppies as well as several other species she advanced into). Can't wait to see some photos of your wonderful fish!
Very cool! I did not expect so many replies already! I will try to get pictures of my indoor pet guppies soon, the others are too hard to get individual photos of. Lol hippie fish! Stupid spellcheck!
SHOW GUPS! <3 What breeds do you typically raise? Do you have Moscow greens? Those are my favorite! So purdy...

I used to breed bettas, myself. I had two strains, crowntail copper and halfmoon melano black. I miss those days, but I just don't have the space, time or money to handle hundreds of individual jars of betta fry, ha!
And unfortunately as of now we do not breed Moscow Greens. We hope to have some as breeding stock by next year, but their large tails often can be bitten by our other males, including our new yellow mutt, who is very aggressive, though beautiful. He has killed and eaten another one of our males, so he has to go before any new large tailed. (He will not be killed, we will just wait till he dies naturally since he is so good with our females and is a beautiful fish. Thank you all for reading, I will gladly take and answer any more questions or comments anybody has!

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