Even if he is a cross (aka: Mutt), I'd love to have a hen &/or rooster that looks like that! He's beautiful
Did you just get him? I take it you didn't inquire as to what he could be when you picked him up from the seller? I guess dumb questions, but if they had a variety of birds...
He is handsome isnt he? Will have to get a pic of his hen tomorrow. She is a sweetie.
I dont have any background on him as he came to us quite unexpectedly. A friends grandpa was a 'chicken farmer' and passed away suddenly last March. The family asked us to take his flock of 30!
This lil guy and his hen were in the mix with some Americauna's, Japanese Blacktail Bantams, Silver DuckWings etc. Thats why I assumed he was a 'something' rather than a mix...
We love him anyways. His name is Popeye because of the way he struts around and would take on even my full size roo if I didnt keep him safe in his pen.
Gorgeous little guy! I love the solid yellow on his tail and wings, very pretty. I think his back is too long and his wings to horizontal to be a Serama.