
4 luv of eggs

9 Years
Apr 22, 2010
Westminster, MD
If a chicken is an egg-eater, will there be any evidence left behind?

My oldest girls are 21 weeks and I have been waiting very patiently (sometimes) for that first egg. They are all looking very mature with their big backsides and red faces, wattles and combs. Yesterday my SLW was acting like it would be any minute. She was pacing the run (I only free-range them when I can stay and watch them) and periodically going into the coop, followed by our busy body PR. When DH went in to check on them before lights out, the SLW, Kate was in the nest box. Nothing last night but surely today. She has been doing the egg squat but not singing.

Nothing this morning and when I went to check their water and food this afternoon something struck me as odd. In a corner that we always check were two 18 week BOs. They are not friendly girls so I found it odd. I am usually greeted only by the oldest five and occasionally another nosy biddie or two. The BOs are never there. They were in a partially hidden corner looking quite guilty. No evidence of egg in sight, either on the hay or on their faces.

As I stood and watched, that same area was visited and inspected by at least eight of my 16 hens. The whole time, the busy body, Penny was at my feet, telling me in her loud incessant voice (honestly she reminds me of a laughing gull) what was going on. Unfortunately I don't speak chicken. There were no signs of any predators.

I was wondering if they are as excited as we are about the impending egg or is it something more nefarious like looking for more eggs on the buffet table?
LOL! Egg laying always seems to be a committee project!

Chances are that someone, and it may even be a BO, is getting ready to lay any second now. Congrats in advance!
Thanks. I doubt it's my Buffs. They are still quite pinky and their combs and wattles are too small. Maybe the Brown Leghorns though. They were one of they investigators and they are quite mature and also 18 weeks. I had DH spread the hay around the area so there was little area to hide a nest. I guess I took away their fun but they'll have to find other ways to amuse themselves. I worry a lot about them and hope that once they start laying, I'll be able to relax. You get so attached to them, the little buggers.

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