Hobbies for anxiety?

It's just nature. Cute little baby chicks wouldn't exist without it.
It's really rather beautiful when you think about it. Thd circle of life and all that. That's how I see it anyway. I'm always thrilled when I see an egg being laid (doesn't happen often). And I don't hatch, but I think it would be really cool to see a chick hatch. ❤
ive been a little worried cus im trying to do everything right and i need to treat all of my birds for almost every desease just in case, my flock has so much wrong with it!!!! and i keep seeing things that feel elegal to see... like the other day, i saw my roo mate with a hen for the first time! or when i walked in the coop to see a hen lay a eg right in frount of my two eyes!!!
You can't treat for every single disease just in case. You'll do your flock far more harm than good. Find out what they have and treat for the most serious thing first. If they are still sick, treat for the next thing once you find out what it is. Some treatments actually work against each other. Like, if you're treating for coccidiosis*, I don't think you can give them vitamins. (Correct me if I'm wrong, BYC!) So you would be wasting your money and your chicks would not get better. Just take it one step at a time and hopefully soon all will be well.

*edited. Thanks, @EmmaRainboe for catching this. I was just talking about Covid with someone else in another thread. Good catch, Emma! :hugs
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Not really a hobby but.. I like pulling out weeds and feeding them to the chooks as I stress release, requires no brain power, it's super satisfying when you pull a big root out, it makes the chickens happy to have dandelions to nibble on, getting dirt in my finger nails is pretty calming.. it's free seeing as my lawn is half weeds.
Oh golly, thanks for catching that! I'll go back and fix it. I meant coccidiosis, of course!
Covid brain is REAL! I have been fuzzy-brained since I had this cursed virus in January. I keep hoping I'll be myself again someday, which is to say, only half-baked and not totally fried! :lau
Sorry it got bad again. :hugs

Is a latch hook project similar to crocheting?

I've never heard of stone cabochons - what is that?
I've actually never crocheted, so I can't give a definitive answer XD. But I don't think so? Latch hook is done on a canvas mesh base and you use a specific hooking tool for it, though I think the latch hook tool is like a longer version of a crochet tool? And it's dozens (hundreds...or thousands...) of short threads tied in knots rather than a continuous strand worked on itself. The end result is not something wearable, but you can use it as wall hangings or pillow covers or, if you use the right sort of backing and yarn, little rugs.

Cabochons are pieces that can be used in jewelry. Usually circular or oval, but sometimes you'll see them as squares or rectangles or hearts or freeform. The back is flat, so it can be set into the jewelry, and the top visible side is slightly (or a lot) domed and polished so that they're super shiny. Then can range in size from really tiny (though anything under half an inch in diameter probably requires different equipment to complete) to a couple inches across or more. And you can do almost any type of stone, though anything softer than moonstone/labradorite is hard to work with because they just disintegrate, and as a general rule you don't do anything with a hardness of 9 or more (rubies/sapphires)--you CAN, but it wears out the grinding wheels on the machine really quickly.

You basically take a small piece or flat slab of a stone and use a machine with several wheels attached with different levels of grit fineness. Work from the coarsest, to get the shape you want, to finest, to get the polished look.

Which is probably more than you ever wanted to know about cabbing lol.
I also have really bad anxiety, try not to tense up, could cut off circulation and make you pass out.
heat always helped me, like heated blankets or warm up pillows, music, baking, fidget toys or laying on a cool floor with some sort of animal (ideally dogs).
Sorry if this can’t help you, my anxiety’s not as bad seeing as I was born with it. It sounds horrible, for the vomiting I’d say try taking Gripe Water, it’s all natural and really helps upset stomachs, here’s the link for it, it works really fast too. And it doesn’t taste horrible like other remedies https://www.google.com/shopping/product/6942603928779475578?q=gripe+water+mommy's+bliss&safe=strict&client=safari&hl=en-us&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALeKk00wPboU38wZjBVtivx64WhnnM5tBw:1624406620403&prds=num:1,of:1,eto:13531648419397469150_0,prmr:1,cs:1

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