Holding eggs for incubation

David Radsick

8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
How old can eggs be before putting in an incubator? What temperature should they be kept at while waiting to put in incubator?
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Hi, you can hold them up to 7-10 days before putting them in the incubator.

You can usually hold them longer, but their chance of hatching will rapidly decrease.

Hold the at room temp. with the pointy end of the egg facing down, and turn them

once a day.
Good luck!

I have kept them for up to 10 days. I have kept them cool and also on my counter in a room where the temp stays around 80 degrees. My hatches have had the same success rate except the eggs stored at the warmer temp hatched earlier.
well i just picked up 2 dozen mixed eggs from a local farmer im letting them set for a few hrs so they settel down from the ride if i get them to hatch out its going to be a batch of mutts he said he has 4 different kinds of roosters in the flock and 8 different kinds of chickens got white eggs and brown in the batch so lets see what we get lol if nothing else ill get some meat birds lol

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