Holly, Lisa's and Lexa's Silkie Hatching Egg Countdown

I'm devestated... Out of 8 eggs I have 3 left; with 2 infertile, and 3 late quitters, I'm just so sad, I don't know what went wrong!!! Humidity stayed around 40% and there wasn't a single temp spike! What in the world would cause this?!?! They are due tomw. and Mon. and it's not looking good
I'm so sad, it's different for me b/c I have to work so hard to get eggs here and a lot of people won't ship them to me for fear they won't make it!!! UGGHHH!!! It's becoming a bad bad day for me
sorry to hear that Holly. I started with 24 eggs and I was left with 16 eggs! which only 11 hatched! and I believe another one is coming idk.
hatching vibes coming your way so that all 3 hatch
2 of my babies have hatched... only 20 left to go... LOL

1 is a polish/barred cochin mix (i THINK)
1 is a leghorn/barred cochin mix

pics coming soon!


as i type this.... i have older young birds on my kitchen table, they got out of the brooder..... uggghhh and i ask myself why am i hatching more.... lol
here is the first baby (polish mix)



the second (leghorn mix) still has some yolk not absorbed...
but it seems like it wants to make it. the first baby is laying its head on it... encouraging it.
I'm up to 5 hatched and 3 more pips. Most of them look blue but one is a splash. Maybe a calico as it looks like it has some buff markings on it. I'll be able to tell more when it dries off.
Ok I set mine late day March 31. So here we are again, what day am I on, do I need to stop turning? Up humidity?

Can I keep eggs warm all the way to Lisa's house because I don't want to screw up the hatch with my eggs I only started 3 days ago.

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