Holy cow! My coop is hosed! Snowstorm related....

holy smokes!!! i mean holy snow!!! glad you rescued your chickens!!!
Here is some pics from a sunnier day! The run is double what you are seeing in these pics though, I haven't snapped any good pics of the coop in the sun yet since extending it.

These pictures look as if the coop is movable .... with the extension is the coop still movable or can you detach the addition and move the smaller version into the garage or a more protected space?
Was the bottom POP door open when it was blowen-and-snowen?
Since we knew stuff like that was coming, Hubby went out with the staple gun and some old shower curtains & cardboard and bundled up our run (which they insist on roosting in). Thanks for the heads up! I expect snow, but these winds were a bit unexpected. We only got a little snow blown in. I gave them apples and raisins in their morning oatmeal and all is well.
We are having the same sort of weather here today - did you send it this way?

This is the first day our girls did not come out of their hen house into the run and I don't blame them. In fact, we put their pop door back on with food and water to keep the snow and wind down. When I checked on them, they were just in there roosting. It is not too cold, only about -10C/14F. But the windchill is -19C/-2F.

We don't really have that much snow though - we had more before it melted on the weekend I think.
Here in Canada we call weather like that "Spring"

no I'm just joking...its not quite that bad....but we do get snow like that every single winter.
several times....

This is why we all migrate down to Florida en masse every winter.......


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