Holy cow! My coop is hosed! Snowstorm related....

Here in NM @ 7000 ft we are having unseasonably warm weather. It's 4:00 PM and 54 degrees ... we need rain, snow or it will be a drought come summer.


How about putting something solid around the bottom half of the run (two sides where the wind blows the most)? I'm thinking the wind blew the snow right up into the coop.

Oh, and baffles on the front vents. Snow is fun, but snow and wind. . . not so much.

Amazing pictures!! Classics for sure!
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Good thing I wasnt drinking anything when I saw those pics or I'd have choked the way I gasped! I can honestly say I've never seen anything like that in all my 50 years...and I lived in snowy areas in my younger days. THAT was beyond mind-boggling!
I hope your chicks are ok & it's quit snowing for a while; prayers for a milder winter.
Haven't even had time to deal with the coop yet. The girls are fine in the garage. They are in the new improved hillbilly shelter. It's 8x4 so they are in as good a shape as they were in the coop.

It is 7*F outside now and the low is -8*F so I'm sure that they are doing better in the garage than outside anyway.

Oh, and the run is completely filled with snow and the coop is full up to the top of the window. I am literally going to have to carve my way into both the top, and the bottom. I have plenty of time to deal with it though, it wont be over 30* for the next week or so.

Get ready for a HUGE understatement..........

Obviously I have some design flaws in this thing.

I'll try and have the wife grab some pics of it in the daylight. I'm at work before the Sun comes out and it's down before I get home.

It might not be too bad to fix. There's a free plan from Purina Mills that might help to solve or ventilation problem. Basically, it uses the soffit as a vent. The openings are tucked up behind the fascia, so it might keep the snow from blowing in. I was actually building a scaled-up version of this coop this spring when a couple of Aspen trees fell over on it.

Purina Coop

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