HomeMade Incubator Contest - 3/09 - Winners Announced!

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OK, I not only decided to enter this contest, I challenged myself to make a bator for UNDER $25!!

I have all of the supplies that I think I need, and so far, the total cost is just over $24.

We will be rolling up our sleeves and trying to finish it in 2 days!

Why 2 days? 'Cause once the warmup hits on Friday, we WILL be finishing the Breeding Barn this weeked if I have to chain myself to the center pole of the darn building!!!

I've got a humidor I think I can make in to a bator. If that doesn't work, a vet has offered me one of her big vaccine coolers. We'll see what other parts I can come up with.
I want to try! I only have to purchase my thermostat, which will be done on saturday. I've been trying to get this thing built since December. I'm following Ms. Prissys blue prints.
I cleaned up the humidor, got some shelf liner for the bottom and some sponges for the humidity. I also scrounged a light and socket. Those will be easy to install. I couldn't find a thermostat of hygrometer last night so I need to give Lowe's a try.

I think I have an old broken external disc drive that I can get a fan out of.

Hubby thinks I am nuts again.
Ok...the BYC page creator hates my mac. I will post stuff to my humidor-incubator-inator page tomorrow when I can get on a PC
Great work #14 post....I've thought of doing something similar, put with my own twist.....I found a small refrigerator with a window for the door. I would have enjoyed seeing the area where your fan and heat element are...."the behind the secret wall"
Have you thought on an automatic turner yet? Or don't you fee it is necessary because you do it by hand?
You might consider painting the outside? Poopy brown????

Kevin at [email protected]
I need to get a fan in there...too much temp swing without it. I am calling a PC repair place in a few minutes to see if they can make me a deal
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