Homemade water heater


Just an update that it's all good, the cinderblock is warm, but is never burning hot so I think its definitely good now
I heard somewhere your not supposed to have a waterer in the coop during winter due to frostbite? Is this true?

What Rosemarythyme said is true.

I personally like having water in my coop because it's easier for me to check and fill. My coop is large and well ventilated, and I haven't had trouble with a hanging waterer in there. But they also have a heated dog bowl outside.
Okay, I have a larger coop, and i does spill from time to time and the ground could be wet in some spots, but they have plenty of room to walk around and stay dry from it so I guess it's ok. It's never been a problem for me
It's sort of well ventilated too, not as much in the winter because we board it up a bit but its ok
Sort of well ventilated but boarded up doesn't sound well ventilated. Having hard numbers for available ventilation would be the only way to know just how ventilated it is.

If you really want to check and know for sure that the waterer isn't an issue + there's enough ventilation, taking a humidity reading out and inside the coop at night (when doors are shut and birds are in) and that will give you the most accurate info.
Okay, I'll look into that. Today we cleaned their coop and added some dry hay, and they seemed fine. I dont know if I'm suddenly overthinking this since they have been fine with a water in their coop all last winter, and the fact that we seem more prepared this winter for our chickens, but I did feel a bit of "wetness" inside the coop. I feel like I've felt it before and It doesn't seem to out of place but that could be what your trying to say could happen. It feels the same outside. Then again I could be overthinking it and they'll be fine sitting on their feet, but I'm not sure

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