Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

TAKE a DEEP BREATH! We have all been in your shoes. The JOY of home school is, the kids excel! Really! You just have to find what works for you and your kids. There are SO MANY OPTIONS. First - Look up the laws in your state and understand them. That will give you an idea what you can and can't do. Armed with that you can start a search of options. I am doing kind of an more structured Unschooling (oxymoron, I know). I want them to lead me to what they want to do but READING and MATH is our main curricula. Maybe more of a Charlotte Mason Method with some Robinson Curricula thrown in too (they are similar)

Feel free to ask us ANYTHING! After the holidays I will be more help.
Thank you! I look forward to learning as much as I can and talking with all you wonderful people. Happy Holidays!
So my DD was withdrawn from public school yesterday and is now in my hands. Since we are part way through the year Im not sure if I should start up differently than someone might do at the beginning of a school year. I have been looking around at some of the online websites and the curriculums and Im thinking a structured online program might be a good place to start until I better understand how to put together a curriculum on my own.

There are so many sites its a bit overwhelming but I was looking at Discovery K12 which is a free program and also Time4learning which is 19.95 per month. I like the idea of free at least while starting out. She is in 8th grade, very bright, honor roll student, loves to learn and does well on her own with some guidance from me. Does any one have any experience with either of these sites and if so how do you feel about them?

Any suggestions or tips on where to start are greatly appreciated, Im hoping to get her going soon so she isnt "floating" for too long.
So my DD was withdrawn from public school yesterday and is now in my hands. Since we are part way through the year Im not sure if I should start up differently than someone might do at the beginning of a school year. I have been looking around at some of the online websites and the curriculums and Im thinking a structured online program might be a good place to start until I better understand how to put together a curriculum on my own.

There are so many sites its a bit overwhelming but I was looking at Discovery K12 which is a free program and also Time4learning which is 19.95 per month. I like the idea of free at least while starting out. She is in 8th grade, very bright, honor roll student, loves to learn and does well on her own with some guidance from me. Does any one have any experience with either of these sites and if so how do you feel about them?

Any suggestions or tips on where to start are greatly appreciated, Im hoping to get her going soon so she isnt "floating" for too long. 

Welcome to the world of homeschooling Chicken Pickin! I would recommend finding some local homeschool families & picking their brains. In our area I am continually finding new classes & activities.

I would also recommend taking your time to sign up for another formal program. You have all of Christmas break & then some to find something. Here in California, we sign up with our state, but are pretty autonomous. You could take the time you need and let your daughter lead you in what she is interested in while you get your bearings.

Starting in 9th grade here, students are allowed to dual enroll in our community colleges, thus earning college credit. Most 9th & 10th students start with online courses.

Once you get going,it will be much less daunting.

Enjoy this extra time with your daughter!
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Welcome to the world of homeschooling Chicken Pickin! I would recommend finding some local homeschool families & picking their brains. In our area I am continually finding new classes & activities.

I would also recommend taking your time to sign up for another formal program. You have all of Christmas break & then some to find something. Here in California, we sign up with our state, but are pretty autonomous. You could take the time you need and let your daughter lead you in what she is interested in while you get your bearings.

Starting in 9th grade here, students are allowed to dual enroll in our community colleges, thus earning college credit. Most 9th & 10th students start with online courses.

Once you get going,it will be much less daunting.

Enjoy this extra time with your daughter!

Thank You for responding. Im really excited though a bit nervous to get started. My DD is so bright and ready to get started, she wants to eventually be ahead of her grade level and we have even talked about year round schooling (ish). Im going to try not to rush choosing but she's anxious lol she wants to start tomorrow, I told her its Christmas break now and we have time and she said that's ok I'll start now :)

If I sign up for a certain program, lets say Discovery K12 and for some reason its not working for her, can we change programs part way in? Or supplement a certain subject by using a different program?

Her goal is to get 8th grade curriculum done and begin 9th ahead of time at least in a subject or two. Im not sure if its wishful thinking but I will be here to support her as she tries.

I have tried to find a local support group and I have emailed one and she informed me that that group no longer exists. I have recently found a group for my states region so not exactly local, but I plan to email them anyhow. I also have an acquaintance and she homeschools her 10yr old, our husbands work together. I have just recently been in touch with her and she is very willing to help guide us. I just need to find a day to get out to her house.
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Welcome to the world of homeschooling Chicken Pickin! I would recommend finding some local homeschool families

Thank You for responding. Im really excited though a bit nervous to get started. My DD is so bright and ready to get started, she wants to be eventually be ahead rest and we have even talked about year round schooling (ish). Im going to try not to rush choosing but she's anxious lol she wants to start tomorrow, I told her its Christmas break now and we have time and she said that's ok I'll start now :)

If I sign up for a certain program, lets say Discovery K12 and for some reason its not working for her, can we change programs part way in? Or supplement a certain subject by using a different program?

Her goal is to get 8th grade curriculum done and begin 9th ahead of time at least in a subject or two. Im not sure if its wishful thinking but I will be here to support her as she tries.

I have tried to find a local support group and I have emailed one and she informed me that that group no longer exists. I have recently found a group for my states region so not exactly local, but I plan to email them anyhow. I also have an acquaintance and she homeschools her 10yr old, our husbands work together. I have just recently been in touch with her and she is very willing to help guide us. I just need to find a day to get out to her house.

You need to KNOW the LAW in your state. Once you have that in for you will know what you can and can't do. In TN we have several options. We picked an umbrella school. We have the most freedom. We can pick and choose and change anything we want without issue. Discovery k12 is public schools. You will have to report to the school system and probably can't change mix stream. The law in your state will let you know the route you feel comfortable with.
You need to KNOW the LAW in your state. Once you have that in for you will know what you can and can't do. In TN we have several options. We picked an umbrella school. We have the most freedom. We can pick and choose and change anything we want without issue. Discovery k12 is public schools. You will have to report to the school system and probably can't change mix stream. The law in your state will let you know the route you feel comfortable with.
Ive done my best to search the NH home school laws and have read many sites with the laws and nothing pops up other that a written letter to the school stating she will be home school, a yearly assessment test( I believe a choice of 4 different kinds) and also I need to make a portfolio of her work(but it states I hold onto the portfolio for at least 2 years after her schooling is complete but never states I need to turn it in to anyone) and something like upon completion of high school I fill out a form stating she has completed at the 12th grade level.

Other than that I have not found or read anything. I asked her assistant principle at her public school and he had no info to give me. I guess I need to find people here in my state that can tell me more because I cant find anything else.
Quote: I am not 100% but there is a review by an official at some point. I don't think you will have the freedom I enjoy here. I don't have to report to the schools or test or keep records other than attendance. Look on FB for some state groups. I am a member of several HS Groups on FB. Some very local some state and some curricula related.
Ive done my best to search the NH home school laws and have read many sites with the laws and nothing pops up other that a written letter to the school stating she will be home school, a yearly assessment test( I believe a choice of 4 different kinds) and also I need to make a portfolio of her work(but it states I hold onto the portfolio for at least 2 years after her schooling is complete but never states I need to turn it in to anyone) and something like upon completion of high school I fill out a form stating she has completed at the 12th grade level.

Other than that I have not found or read anything. I asked her assistant principle at her public school and he had no info to give me. I guess I need to find people here in my state that can tell me more because I cant find anything else.

I would ask the K12 school if you can change if it's not working. I would assume so, because that is what you just did after all. I think the online public schools work like charter schools.

The Homeschool Defense League has info per state if you Google them. We do Classical Conversations with my son. It's a classical model with lots of history, latin, science, grammar, writing, presentations from a Christian world view. We really like it & the challenge courses are challenging for 8th grade. They use Saxon Math. They would let you sit in on a class to check it out.

We have several public charters that meet weekly or once a month with a teacher and offer outings and classes, materials to support you.

Khan Academy has many courses you could start her on for free that would most likely fit her academic level.

I find it refreshing that there is not any one "right" way to become really well educated. In homeschool you have enough time to spend on things your daughter is really interested in so that she can become an expert.

This coming from a former public school teacher. :)
@chicken pickin

From what I read you either have 5 days or 15 to notify them in writing. I would do that first. You don't seem to have to tell them anything so I would guess you could change. I would think it would be harder to change from K12... it is also public school. If you were talking about the Discovery k12 I have listed below that is NOT the public school version. I started using it but it was not a fit for us. Reading is our priority. Since you don't even have to tell them what program you are using just play with them till you find a fit. The first 2 would be easy to create a portfolio from. The Charlotte Mason not as easy but do able.

Here is another free option

We use a kind of Charlotte Mason type method and Robinson Curricula
If she is a good reader this might be a good approach. You could get most anything you need from the library or online.
@chicken pickin

From what I read you either have 5 days or 15 to notify them in writing. I would do that first. You don't seem to have to tell them anything so I would guess you could change. I would think it would be harder to change from K12... it is also public school. If you were talking about the Discovery k12 I have listed below that is NOT the public school version. I started using it but it was not a fit for us. Reading is our priority. Since you don't even have to tell them what program you are using just play with them till you find a fit. The first 2 would be easy to create a portfolio from. The Charlotte Mason not as easy but do able.

Here is another free option

We use a kind of Charlotte Mason type method and Robinson Curricula
If she is a good reader this might be a good approach. You could get most anything you need from the library or online.
Thank you!

Yes I have already written a letter informing the school district that she will no longer be part of the public school system, I hand delivered the letter to the superintendents office and they will be mailing me and the school a certified letter that confirms the change.

Also yes I was looking into the Discovery k12 program, since for now it seems structured much like her school was doing and it also will keep track of all her work and attendance so I can look back and then I can print out anything that I may find necessary, like you said it might work well for putting together a portfolio. She did very well in the way the public school was structured and how she was being taught there so for right now I think something like this could work.

I will look into other programs though, you have provided so many links its amazing. I couldn't be more thankful that I found this thread to get me started and I thank all of you for taking the time to post and help me along. I do know I eventually need to source other support groups and I definitely will:) But for now, thanks the guidance!

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