Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Ya we has teachers in elementary school that they put u in a dog crate for disable the my dad told them if he finds his kids in a dog crate he is going to flip and we had teachers say that ey are not there to be ur friend they are they to teach and get paid
Just a REMINDER this page is for parents, not students. There are other homeschooling pages for students.
Do any of you have any experience making paper clay? I'm looking for a paper mache alternative to the traditional wet, messy, multiple layered (flour, water, starch & glue) mixes. I've done a ton of research and still feel a little in the dark. Has anyone made this?
Seems this group disscussion slowed down over the summer, im sure your all getting ready to start schooling back up again.

My dd is starting grade 9 this is our 2nd year homeschooling. Last year she did a combo of online programs, time4learning, discoveryk12 and khan academy. She doesnt prefer these programs but deals with them. She is a self motivator and has always gotten A/B grades or average-above average scores. English being her most dificult subject.

Does anyone have any other online cirriculum they suggest trying (non-religious based)
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I know I am not a parent but I do the alpha program I don't know what all states it's avaible in I just started the alpha program and so far I really like it, and there is another program that is called 21 Century that program you can keep your computer year round and work ahead so you would be able to graduate early. I haven't tryed the 21 Century program but I am sure if you contact your teachers you can find out more about these programs, if you didn't want your child working ahead grade wise you might be able to get your online teacher to set up something so your child can't go any further. I hope you don't mind that I am a minor.
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We just started back this week. My boy is only 3rd grade and reading is his hardest subject. I've heard a lot about the moby max program so we are going to try to incorporate that into our lessons.
We just started back this week. My boy is only 3rd grade and reading is his hardest subject. I've heard a lot about the moby max program so we are going to try to incorporate that into our lessons.

Have you tried the Bob Books? They look like they'd be useless & I was very skeptical, but they've taught all three of mine to read.
We just started back this week. My boy is only 3rd grade and reading is his hardest subject. I've heard a lot about the moby max program so we are going to try to incorporate that into our lessons.
My son is a STRONG reader but he HATES to read. My 10 yo Granddaughter highly recommended Magic Tree house books. So far it is not like pulling teeth to get him to read. I want him to enjoy reading but I also want him to read what I want him too but I am willing to let him read for fun this year. He is only 7 and has read about 13 classics but it was hard to get him through them and I don't know how much he retained.

I hated to read too... they put me in special ed type classes to get me to read. My mother even took me to a therapist and she told her there was nothing wrong with me... they just needed to find what I liked to read. I am going with that this year.

My 5 year old is using Teach Your Monster To Read (I have recently seen that the app for tablets is free for apple not for android that I see). All the kids like it but it is geared to younger kids.

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