Thanks jeffery57. Where's New Ross?

New Ross is in Montgomery County on US 136 between Jamestown and Crawfordsville.

You are pretty close to me. I'm about 30 minutes from Crawfordsville, just a few miles northwest of Turkey Run SP.
Who is going to the show in Bloomington, this weekend?? We will be there. Depending on the weather I"ll wear my BYC t'shirt or a Heavenly Springs Farm sweat shirt. Make sure you stop me to talk !!!!
I'm going. Have entered several birds and reserved a couple of sale coops. I don't know how many I'll actually enter now--came down with whatever's being passed around now and haven't done anything to get a single chicken ready.

See you there, Sally!
I'm taking my daughter to the Bloomington show for her 4H poultry projects and to learn how the shows work. We are brand new to chickens. She needs to interview a breeder so look out.
I won't be going to the show, but I am taking orders for lavender, black and blue orpingtons, I have black copper marans as well my original stock came from green fire farms and they have pure bev davis lines, the egg color is great.
the lavender orps are $7 each and the rest are $5 each, I won't be selling many as I have a verry small flock and orders are already coming in.
my birds are great quality, I spayed no science to get the best I could get, and I cull for hardiness and type as well as egg color
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