Hello Everyone!

Are there any of you from Northwest IN that get your feed from the Farm Bureau Co-Op in Lowell? If so what are their prices running currently? I'm thinking about switching to them for my feed.

Yes Definitely got to the chickenstock and meet new people of the chicken minded variety! Send a card to your nefew (make sure it's got a car on the picture somewhere). Welcome to BYC. The most informative, helpful knowlege base on chickens in the whole world!
Paradise Found just down 80 from you in Joliet IL
I missed this post. I'm not exactly close to Kokomo but about 45 miles away and we go there a couple times a month or more. You have kids almost the same age as we do-we have girls 15 and 14 and a boy age 12. Did you ever get any chicks yet?
Hi Everyone,

I'm Robin. I live in Indy, Franklin Township, S/E side of Marion Co.

I have 5, 1 week old little girls, 2 ausies (Matilda and Alice) and 3 New Hampshire Reds (Sophie, Lilly and Bell). They are growing like weeds and they are so funny to watch. This is my first time backyard chicken farming, although I grew up on a farm in Avon, IN. We had almost 500 chickens and sold eggs like crazy! I also have a great husband, 1 daughter, 1 golden/lab service dog, 1 German shepherd, 1 cocker spaniel, 1 Yorkie and a 30 lb Cat! (not fat just a big cat) I'm thinking of getting bees next spring. I've found a good spot in a fairly quiet, not able to be disturbed place. Our flowers and gardens have been really poor in the past few years. I haven't seen a honey bee for at least 5-6 years anywhere around where we live.

I have been enjoying reading everyone's posts and hope to learn a lot more as time goes on.
Hi Robin and welcome! Yep you need to go to the chickenstock - but having had so many chickens you might be a teacher instead of a learner! Wow! Glad to have you on board.
Re our Chicken people meet and greet Bonfire Camp-out on August 20th in Joliet Ill.

I'm building up a door prise - possibly 2 for our meet-up in Joliet on the Aug 20th date. I have decided that all chicken people will get a chance to throw their name in a hat for free (myself included). This will be for chicken people only as the gifts are specifically designed around us and would be lost on our non-chicken raising friends.
If I can get together 2 prises, the most valuable will be first and the next will be second. Perhaps there will be more.
I have commintments for "something" from Myself, BYC , Smith Poultry and FarmTek so far.

Of course the somethings are almost as mush a mystery to me as they are to you at this point. Sorta like hatching huh?
If you have anything you would like to add to the raffle - perhaps a handmade somehting or the other, small little thing, we can add it when you get here. No pressure -if you don't then you don't.

I have feelers out to Purina Mills, The major Hatcheries and other suppliers - especially those who advertise on BYC and some that do not. All items are fowl related in one way or another. They will not be big prise money valuable gifts as every one including business, are suffering in this economy. I am grateful to the people who can offer pens and notepads emblazoned with their logo.

There will be a donation box available for you to put in some spare change for the Will County Humane Society - a non profit, no kill shelter. This is what I ask of you. The society was started by my late mother-in-law when she would go to the pounds and collect the animals "on their last day" and take them into her home and find good loving homes for them. She failed non of them. She started in the early sixities and continued until the day she died. She rescued wildlife and pet life of all shapes and sizes. Once she rescued a male african lion so decrepid that it had no mane and was hundreds of pounds underweight. She was amazing.

Just gave my loudest and earliest morning Rooster away to a good home. He'll be waking up his new momma (Ravie) in southern Indianna (too far for us to hear) and for those of us who will be staying the night on Saturday - we can sleep in! Coffee will be brewing in the house with breakfast when you get up. Just walk on in and follow your nose the the kitchen.

The guest room is still not spoken for. It is available first for anyone who needs it , and then for anyone who wants it. If you are a "want", please be ready if the situation arises, that I may be asked by some one who "needs" and ask you to bow out. If there is anyone who wants to come but needs this room to be able to come and stay, please let me know ASAP.

It's only a 2 bedroom home. Large, but stilll 2 bedroom. We have an area, if you have an air matress for "indoor camping".

Paradise Found
Hiya, Hoosiers! Okay, I'm born & raised in Iowa, now in Michigan, but my hubby is from Indiana - Wabash to be exact.

Anywho - does anyone near Indianapolis ever make their way up to Michigan? I have a fella that would like some birds from me that I'm giving away (Ameraucanas) and I'm trying to find a way to get them to him so he doesn't have to drive all the way up here...PM me if you are able, or know someone that may be! THANKS!

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