Horse Talk

I would love to be able to do Liberty with multiple horses one day.
And how did you post a video on here?!

I think you have to put it on YouTube first and then hit the video button just like you would the picture button but only available on desktop mode not mobile then just post the link to embed it.
Okay so something magical happened today, I hopped on June bareback and started riding around, and she humped up a little (which is bad, duh) but the magic part is, I DIDNT FALL OFF. I was like "HA!" And then I started laughing. And then I realized I should have got on to her lol but I think my staying on showed her that it didn't do her any good. I'm just proud of myself for staying on bareback while she did that, and the fact that it didn't even make me nervous. Also, I've been trotting on her bareback loads and my balance is getting way better, I still flop sideways sometimes but I can manage to get myself back into normal position and stay on. But today, June was being a heifer (obviously) and aside from the humping up, she was also refusing to trot. My legs and back hurt from kicking so hard, and the whole back side of my boots are white with dust from kicking over and over again, and she just walked and walked and walked. She was driving me crazy! And then she started pinning her ears.
And this is why people don't like mares.
But we got everything all straightened out in the end, kind of. All though I was angry for a good part of the day after that, partly because I was also having goat and dog troubles lol. (I hate goats btw, its official).
Oh, and new baby
@abigalerose good job, you, on not falling off!
When BB2K first started riding, her horse Sunny had a bunch of bad habits. When she realized that BB2K wasn't going to be scared off by stupid things like dog-shaking and bolting for the barn, she experimented with bucking a little. Fortunately, what she does in that line is pretty much a joke, and since it didn't get her any further than the rest of her nonsense, she abandoned it. I think the "it didn't get her anywhere" is more important than getting after her - there are other reasons that a horse might buck besides making a deliberate effort to dump the rider, from some sort of discomfort to plain high spirits.

I'm seein' some awwful cute baby pictures in the above posts . . . .

Christmas parade season is fast approaching, and I've kinda/sorta committed myself to bringing the minis again. We have had some pretty rough experiences in parades in the past, So, BB2K and I have stepped up the despooking program. We have done a couple of nighttime strolls through the neighborhood with Syd and Blondie wearing Christmas lights; the trip last night was the best one ever! Considering that the wind was really howling, I expected some shenanigans, but they were both just about as good as ponies can be.

DH brought home a trailer load of hay yesterday, so BB2K and I had first Syd, then Blondie help us haul it back to the feed room. We discovered that Blondie was having a little problem with the noises associated with the trailer, so today, we spent a good part of the afternoon finding things to slam. bang, rattle, and thump. I had done some work on noises with Syd recently, but still, we were both surprised that Syd seemed less bothered than Blondie did. It feels slightly sadistic to be trying to find things to freak them out, but watching them go from "yipes, let me outta here!!" to "any time you get done making that racket will be fine with me," is great!
It was super windy the other day and I think it had June's spirits feeling high, and she just decided to be a mare. That was her first ever little hop and it was pitiful, but usually just thinking the wrong way will cuase me to slide off bareback, so I was a tad excited haha it was obvious improvement on my riding. And I need to get some more pictures of my little guy this week! He's hard to photograph because he always hides behind June or if I have him on the lead he stays super close to me (not in a disrespectful way though). But he's adorable. I need to measure him too, if I had to guess I'd say he's around 13 hands right now and he's 7 months. But I could be way off.
And pleaaaase please please post pictures of the minis with lights on them. Minis have really grown on me since my cousin got one.

Lots of loping today!
My butt hurts. And my back. And everything else.
And June crow hoped again when we first started, this one a little bigger than last time, and also because she was trotting really fast and I kept gettin after her with the riding crop to try and get her into a lope. We worked through it nicely though, and it was still pitiful enough to make me laugh. She worked hard today though! I think it blew her mind a little.
A lady traded him and some cash for Jade. And I'm super relieved about it. Jade was awful when she came to look at her

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