Horseback Riders?

Eatin'Dirt :

I loveeee your trails!!! It looks awesome!!!

The best thing about the park is its 1 mile from the very busy I-5 freeway, next to the very large fairgrounds and surrounded by homes in sub divisions on 2 sides and homes on 5 acres or less on the remaining 2. A 450 acre non maintained park that is now multi-use so I do chuckle at coming across a mom w/baby stroller trying to navigate the trails
Its a best kept secret and great for a quick afternoon ride. You can loose yourself for a few hours or a whole day if desired.​
I am in love! This weekend we went camping and trailriding. We came back to the campground from a ride and there was a couple in a beautiful wagon with 2 gorgeous draft horses. At first I thought they looked like halflingers but they were just a bit larger. Right away I went over to inspect these wonderful drafts. Found out they wre Oberlanders. Not sure if I spelled that correctly. Apparently, there are only 70 in this country. This guy had 8 of them. They are originally from Germany. They are wonderful! They asked if I wanted to go for a ride with them. Of course I hopped on. THeir wagon was also from Germany. It was very cool. One of the team was a 2 year old in training. the other was his mother. The 2 year old did very well. going through the creak with little trouble. Only spooked a couple of times and settled down right away. If any of you get a chance to check out an Oberlander do it. I wish I could afford one. I would get one in a heartbeat. Just the right size and right temperment. about 1500-1600 lbs 15.2-16.1 hands. You can easily get the harness on. Very cool horse.
Oberlanders, will have to google that one, I have Haflingers, and they are plenty big enough for me, but they sound pretty cool! Sounds like a great horse camping trip, I may have to start doing that again...
ok, looked up Oberlanders, wow! I would love to see one in person to compare to Haflingers, I love the photo gallery on the Oberlander site, very versatile! I think Ill go out and braid my Haflingers mane....
I fell in love with halflingers as a kid and now have one plus two halflinger crosses. They are pretty good especially the full halflinger. Goofiest, friendliest horse we've ever had. Oberlanders have very similar personalities but the size is what really got me. My dad has been looking for draft horses just a bit bigger than a halflinger to do farm work with. Belgiems have just gotten too big. These Oberlanders were just perfect. Dad said they were the size of the belgiems he remembers as a kid Boy I would love to have one. They stood so calm and nicely, even the 2 year old. And were so sweet. Guess I better start playing the lottery! lol.
We do have a belgian x halflinger but he's just not the right size. Although he is a good puller. He doesn't have the right look either. Maybe just keep my eyes out for a large halflinger. They seem to have the right personality too.
I loveeee your trails!!! It looks awesome!!!

The best thing about the park is its 1 mile from the very busy I-5 freeway, next to the very large fairgrounds and surrounded by homes in sub divisions on 2 sides and homes on 5 acres or less on the remaining 2. A 450 acre non maintained park that is now multi-use so I do chuckle at coming across a mom w/baby stroller trying to navigate the trails
Its a best kept secret and great for a quick afternoon ride. You can loose yourself for a few hours or a whole day if desired.

I love were you are!!! Ohhh ya I bet you could get lost!!! My kind of ride!

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