Horseback Riders?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Las Vegas NV
Just looking to see if there are a few on here.
I own 2 right now. 2 Haflingers a friend & I rescued from PA. New Holland horse (slaughter) auction (the last stop before they are sent to Canada to be slaughter for human food YUCK). They traveled VERY far!!! Im in Vegas, so over 2000 miles. I was born into horses, my family has been into Morgan horses for almost 100yrs. Funny I don't own one now..... LOL Who rides? What breeds you own? Do you show? I don't, did when I was younger. Im a trail riding fool!!!
Looking forward to hearing from more horse lovers!!!
Like you, I had horses and no longer do. I can't afford them but I'd LOVE even to have a tiny pony in the back yard, just to have a horse to hug on haha.

I showed when I was younger as well. I had quarter horses and rode Hunter-Jumpers. My own were Hunters and I've still got plenty trophies, mainly for equitation and the like. I think plenty of BYC'ers have horses so I'm looking forward to seeing horsey people gather here
Thanks for making the thread!
I have 2 appy mares, 8 and 18 years old, a 20 y/o TB and a 19 y/o Quarter.

We dont show here, only trail ride as well. We usually ride 3-4 hours 4-5 times a week and may be adding another trail horse soon, a 20 y/o appy mare.
They sure are not cheap!! It seems every other part other then the southwest is a lot cheaper!! Right now hay is $16.95......

Im happy to see 2 more horse lovers! Thank you Im happy I posted this one too now!
Yes, I would want a pony, too if that was all I could get! The smell of them, is my smell of heaven! They keep me sane.
& Im sorry you have not gotten one yet..... I was 3 yrs without one & thought I was going to go crazy! LOL I would drive by the houses with horses just for the smell!! crazy I know....
I LOVE Appys! One of my alll time favorites!! They are way smart!! I love the thinker- horses! That is awesome riding that long & amount! Mine are still green. We are on ground training. Boyyy Im looking forward to riding one!
We have some. We've got a 26 year old Quarter Horse Gelding (Leo), a 22 year old Arab/Quarter Horse Mare (Stormi), a 9 year old Arabian Mare (Keena), and a 3 year old Quarter Horse Mare (Amber).

The old man is such a turd. He's just as spunky as our three year old.
I contest Stormi and sometimes will even take Leo just to play around. He can run a 20 second barrel pattern, which for his age is awesome.
This summer I'm gonna work on training Keena to contest. She's got a problem with reaching back and biting at your legs, and rearing up.
We're working on it..
I have 3, a foundatio QH and 2 hafies like you. Mine were Amish bred and trained, and work under saddle and in harness. (Not the QH - he's sweet but crazy). I still ride on occasion, but as I get older I'm getting much fonder of my cart ... it's not so hard on old bones and stiff joints (most of which are stiff from the crazy things I used to do on horseback lol). I also have really gotten into working the farm with horse-drawn equipment. It's somehow so much more satisfying to hitch them up and go pull in a load of wood than it is to just take the tractor back to the woods. They really seem to love having a job, too. When we first moved here, they were pasture ornaments for over a year while we got a handle on this place ... putting up fences, clearing fire lanes, etc. I only wish I had thought then to put them to work; they would've made some of the clearing soooo much easier, and they would have been happier. Nowadays, if they see me coming with the harnesses, they meet me at the gate nickering. Gotta think that means they like having a purpose (besides just looking gorgeous and making me smile ).

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