HorseGirlAbby's flock thread!

The chickens are doing well. I had to treat Baroness for bumblefoot; she was limping a lot, and it looked quite painful. She's a bit better now, though I need to change her bandage soon. Ivy has taken to laying her eggs in the poop pit, and Mr. Beard has been helping her make a nest in there. It's adorable, but also sooo annoying! He's very nice about it, though, very helpful. 😂 Delaware has been hanging out in the tractor all by herself, and doing just fine. I gave her a shallow cardboard box filled with dirt, and she's been using it as a dust bath container. It's pretty windy right now, and a north wind, which goes right through the tractor. She doesn't seem to mind, and it's nice and warm outside. Goldy is molting again; she partially molted about a month ago, and now she's finishing up. Mr. Beard finally lost his last long tail feather a couple days ago, and now looks a bit bedraggled. Baroness is molting as well, and so arePeeper and Bukky. Speaking of Bukky, she has still been cranky lately. I petted her on the back yesterday, and she nearly pecked me. Bakbuk, I think you need to have another talk with her. Anyway, I won't be on BYC for a while, school started up yesterday, and I have lots of homework. So another update may be a while in coming, but we'll see!
The chickens are doing well. I had to treat Baroness for bumblefoot; she was limping a lot, and it looked quite painful. She's a bit better now, though I need to change her bandage soon. Ivy has taken to laying her eggs in the poop pit, and Mr. Beard has been helping her make a nest in there. It's adorable, but also sooo annoying! He's very nice about it, though, very helpful. 😂 Delaware has been hanging out in the tractor all by herself, and doing just fine. I gave her a shallow cardboard box filled with dirt, and she's been using it as a dust bath container. It's pretty windy right now, and a north wind, which goes right through the tractor. She doesn't seem to mind, and it's nice and warm outside. Goldy is molting again; she partially molted about a month ago, and now she's finishing up. Mr. Beard finally lost his last long tail feather a couple days ago, and now looks a bit bedraggled. Baroness is molting as well, and so arePeeper and Bukky. Speaking of Bukky, she has still been cranky lately. I petted her on the back yesterday, and she nearly pecked me. Bakbuk, I think you need to have another talk with her. Anyway, I won't be on BYC for a while, school started up yesterday, and I have lots of homework. So another update may be a while in coming, but we'll see!
Also, someone please tell Bukky about this post, in case he's still ignoring me.
@Bakbuk, Bukky needs another talking-to!
Bukky. Come here.


From Bukky to Bukky, listen to me. You need to quit being a grouchy old lady and be nice to both the other hens and the humans!! You're making them sad (and annoyed). :(

*Bukky stares disgustedly up at me and pecks me hard*


*Ba-CAWK! Buk-buk-buk-BaCAWK!!* *Starts flapping her wings and screaming and pecking the heck out of poor Bukky*

Bukky. Come here.


From Bukky to Bukky, listen to me. You need to quit being a grouchy old lady and be nice to both the other hens and the humans!! You're making them sad (and annoyed). :(

*Bukky stares disgustedly up at me and pecks me hard*


*Ba-CAWK! Buk-buk-buk-BaCAWK!!* *Starts flapping her wings and screaming and pecking the heck out of poor Bukky*

Okay, she's not that mean. But she's attacked both my brothers before. I don't think she likes guys. 🤭 She was pretty cranky today, though. She's starting to have competition, as Nessy's molting now, too. 😬
I put little Miss Cranky in the tractor with Delaware this morning. Del immediately got furious, because it's her tractor, and who did Bukky think she was, waltzing in like this? They had a bit of a fight, with both of them flying at each other. It ended, of course, with Del running away from Bukky as fast as she could. Bukky was very proud of herself, and started looking around at the food choices. Del had a half-eaten watermelon rind, but it was from yesterday, and kinda rubbery. 😋 Bukky took one look at it and turned away in disgust. Del, meanwhile, was very annoyed, pacing back and forth and squawking. I think they'll get along fine. They'll be good for each other.
So, quite a bit has happened the past week or so. Little Nancy hurt her foot on Monday, and couldn’t walk on it at all. I put her in the tractor with Del for the day, and she spent most of it lying on the ground. That night, she really wanted to get on the roost with the others, and was pacing back and forth and calling for them. Finally, she cuddled up with Delaware. The next morning, when I got out there, she was still on the roost. I lifted her down, and she took a few hops, flapping and lurching around, and lay back down. She stayed on the ground the entire day, not really moving or eating much. That night, following some advice from the kind people here, I put her in the entryway, which is a much smaller area, and she couldn’t move around as much. She got a bit worried, but not too badly, as her friends were right there and she could see them. The next day was pretty much the same as the one before, she lay down all day, except for eating and drinking a bit. That night, she paced a little, bit calmed down pretty fast. The next morning, Thursday, she was standing up when I went out there!! Her tail was still down, but she could walk without much of a limp. That night, I put her in the house so she could roost with her buddies, and she was very happy. In the morning, there were a few fights to reestablish the pecking order, but overall it was peaceful. She’s now starting to molt very hard, and is off by herself much of the time. The others are doing well, though Bukky is still grouchy. I went in there this afternoon, just to check on them. I was cuddling Little Nancy, when all of a sudden, I felt some very annoyed pecks on my back. I turned around, and guess who. Yup! Bukky was jealous, and she wanted a hug, too. So I gave her one, and then she wasn’t as mad. We’re getting 2-3 eggs a day, the hens are starting to molt. We should’ve hatched some this spring, to have young layers in the fall. Oh, well. Goldy’s molting now as well, and so are Dover, Ivy, Mr. Beard, Nancy, Gidget, Nessy, and Bukky. Peeper is done now, she should be laying eggs soon.
It's going to be an exciting day today!! We're planning to get some pullets from a local person who was selling them on Craigslist. They have Easter Eggers/Ameraucanas, not sure which, and Welsummers. We're hoping to get four more, just so we can get some more eggs. The old ones are all molting right now, and I have no idea how many are going to lay in the spring. So we wanted to bring in some new blood! I've never had Welsummers before, but I've heard they're good layers and friendly hens. I'll hopefully get pics of them later, but we probably won't go get them for a few hours. Stay tuned!


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