Hot baby Chicks in South Carolina

sweetie pie

6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
I have 2 buff orpingtons, one Barred Rock and one Easter Egger. They are 51/2 weeks old. I put them outside in the coop during the day today and within 5 minutes the little Easter Egger was holding wings out and panting. I misted them and they were in the shade. It was 87 degrees and very humid. I was worried so took them back in the house to their brooder. I'm worried now because they need to go outside because they are getting so big. Any suggestions will be appreciated :)
You can put a fan outside by there run or in the coop. You can feed them watermelon which really cools them down.

Hope This Helped,
If your house is cool, they've adapted to the cool temps. Put them out in the coop at night when it is cooler. If they are on the ground, wet the ground so they can stand on damp cool earth. Give them shallow pans of water to stand in. Provide plenty of fresh water and change it often to keep it cool. It you have electricity or an battery fan put it in the coop, up high where they can't get into it. The air movement might help. It will just take time for them to adapt to outside temps.

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