Hot Pepper jelly


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
Chester County, PA
One of my husbands favorite's is hot pepper jelly and I pay between $3-$5 a small jelly jar size for it here.
He likes it so much he won't use butter to ruin the flavor.

Does anyone make it and have a good recipie?

What kind of hot peppers are you supposed to use? I'd like to plant some of the "right" peppers.

Number one I hate posts with zero answers..... You need to look at the ingredients on what it is he likes. I LOVE my friends jalepeno plum jelly with a passion. check the jar he likes and let us know the main ingredient....
Thanks Deb!

I thought I might find someone who makes it.

The jars just say hot peppers but there are 50 kinds of hot pepper plants available and they rate them by hotness.
I guess I'll use a mild to start and move up.

I do a 4 pepper hot pepper jelly, It has Thai peppers, Green & Red Bell Pepper, Pepper Corns, and Cayenne pepper. Also use Apple cider vinegar.

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