Hot today in Alabama


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
It is nearly 80 today. I may have to turn the air on in the house. Can you believe it. My hens are thinking it is Spring. Of course it will be cold again by Sunday.
It was like 20 this morning...that is mother in South Texas likes to tell me how warm it is and sends me pictures of her least I don't have to mow for most of the year...rude 80's...can I send ya'll my waters to thaw out?
My camellias are beginning to bloom and I caught little grasshoppers today for the little silkies for treats! The weather is crazy but a welcomed break from the cold.
It has rained here so much lately that I have just let things go to heck. I've been busting my hump today trying to tidy things up and get things back in order before it starts again. We have the airc onditioner on in the bedroom, I cannot sleep hot, so I went ahead and cranked it up.

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