House chickens?



In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2020
Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum, but I have a question about raising a house rooster.

Long story from another thread, I had rescused 3 roos (were told they were hens by a vet) that started crowing. I was able to find a farm for two of them to go to and they seem to be doing well now. We kept the third roo (the first one we rescued which was sick) because he was more docile and people friendly. His two brothers began going after him at night near sunset so he started sleeping in our sunroom while the other two were in the coop. During the day they'd hang out in the yard with no issues.

Well now he's started crowing, or trying to crow, and has been much less active. He barely leaves the sun room and lays on the couch waiting for some human interaction. I know birds are social and need some attention, but I've also seen that people can keep solitary roos as house pets. I need advice on this please! What can we do to make his life more fulfilling? My wife is super attached to him, and he is attached to her, so I'd only rehome him as a last resort. We have cats in the house to run from him whenever we let him wander around, but I don't think it would be wise to let him roam free all day long inside. He had no problem being outside alone when we first rescued him, so I'm not sure why hes' avoiding it now.

--Edit, we can take him to the farm where his two other brothers are but I'm concerned they'll start attacking him and he will have no place to hide over there. Also I think their current run is smaller than what they had in our backyard.
Hi all, not sure if this is the right forum, but I have a question about raising a house rooster.

Long story from another thread, I had rescused 3 roos (were told they were hens by a vet) that started crowing. I was able to find a farm for two of them to go to and they seem to be doing well now. We kept the third roo (the first one we rescued which was sick) because he was more docile and people friendly. His two brothers began going after him at night near sunset so he started sleeping in our sunroom while the other two were in the coop. During the day they'd hang out in the yard with no issues.

Well now he's started crowing, or trying to crow, and has been much less active. He barely leaves the sun room and lays on the couch waiting for some human interaction. I know birds are social and need some attention, but I've also seen that people can keep solitary roos as house pets. I need advice on this please! What can we do to make his life more fulfilling? My wife is super attached to him, and he is attached to her, so I'd only rehome him as a last resort. We have cats in the house to run from him whenever we let him wander around, but I don't think it would be wise to let him roam free all day long inside. He had no problem being outside alone when we first rescued him, so I'm not sure why hes' avoiding it now.

--Edit, we can take him to the farm where his two other brothers are but I'm concerned they'll start attacking him and he will have no place to hide over there. Also I think their current run is smaller than what they had in our backyard.
Lots of people keep house chickens. To keep him healthy and entertained, you should try and bring him outside for supervised free ranging once a day.
I’m sorry but I have to disagree with the ones who say you can’t have a house chicken. I have a house chicken. She’s a hen. She has 20 sisters in the yard but chooses to spend her day inside. I leave my doors open so she can choose what she would like to do and she CHOOSES to come in and out but spends most of her time in the house with me. She was bullied by her sisters for having scissor beak so she started coming in as a chick and feels much more comfortable inside.
I would give your rooster the choice to go out and dust bathe and get sun which is super important but if he would rather be in the house that’s okay too!

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