House infested with chicken mites

If you could get a few on a piece of tape you may be able to identify what they are so you can treat accordingly. Permethrin is my recommendation but I have never had them in my house.
I wouldn't know where to put the tape as I can't see the darn things...LOL. Iam also worried about using the chemicals in the house because of the cats and me. Was hoping someone had run into this issue before....been washing bedding and clothing nonstop. Have a gazillion bites all over my body.
Talk to your doctor about Ivermectin. It's prescribed for parasites, including lice and scabies. It's available in pill form for humans.

It's also the same drug that has been found to be effective against COVID19 -- but it's been used for over 40 years for all kinds of other stuff, too.
Yah, I have thought about that. I use it with the dogs that I rescue that have demodetic mange mites....but that seems to be mites that burrow and live under the skin. Iam assuming these mites just live externally and bite me.
Yah, I have thought about that. I use it with the dogs that I rescue that have demodetic mange mites....but that seems to be mites that burrow and live under the skin. Iam assuming these mites just live externally and bite me.

Doesn't matter, it's systemic. Studies have shown it will even knock down bedbugs (though not completely), and those bugs are hard to kill!

And just for good measure, it will protect you from COVID for a couple weeks. What's not to like?
Doesn't matter, it's systemic. Studies have shown it will even knock down bedbugs (though not completely), and those bugs are hard to kill!

And just for good measure, it will protect you from COVID for a couple weeks. What's not to like?
And I have lyme disease....which are internal parasites, so it might be beneficial. Problem is, Houston is pretty much shut down this entire week due to a historic storm of freezing rain, snow, freezing temps....we are all in survival mode, so no doctor trips this week.
And I have lyme disease....which are internal parasites, so it might be beneficial. Problem is, Houston is pretty much shut down this entire week due to a historic storm of freezing rain, snow, freezing temps....we are all in survival mode, so no doctor trips this week.

Well, you can always just ask your doctor over the phone if there's any reason you shouldn't take it.

Although Ivermectin is a very safe drug for most humans, people who are taking medicines for various conditions shouldn't take it. I'm not a doctor so I don't remember the whole list.

Also, it shouldn't be taken with alcohol, and I seem to remember that alcohol should be avoided while taking it. But again, ask your doctor.

If for some reason your doctor cannot prescribe it but doesn't have any good reason why you should NOT take it, it's also available as a veterinary medicine.

"Horse paste" is just Ivermectin in mineral jelly with some flavoring and a tiny amount of preservative. People take the same dose per pound as horses, so one tube treats one 1200-pound horse or 8 150-pound people.
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Well, you can always just ask your doctor over the phone if there's any reason you shouldn't take it.

Although Ivermectin is a very safe drug for most humans, people who are taking medicines for various conditions shouldn't take it. I'm not a doctor so I don't remember the whole list.
Also, it shouldn't be taken with alcohol, and I seem to remember that alcohol should be avoided while taking it. But again, ask your doctor.

If for some reason your doctor cannot prescribe it but doesn't have any good reason why you should NOT take it, it's also available as a veterinary medicine.

"Horse paste" is just Ivermectin in mineral jelly with some flavoring and a tiny amount of preservative. People take the dose per pound as horses, so one tube treats one 1200-pound horse or 8 150-pound people.
I recently purchased a bottle of cattle/swine injectable to have on hand for my rescues. I don't have a regular doctor and so, it might be a struggle. Thanks for the great info.
Ivermectin is NOT effective for COVID, that was disproven very early on, after several people poisoned themselves with it. It is a drug, it isn't harmless, don't take it on a whim.

Anyway, bird mites cannot feed off of mammalian blood. If you have cleaned the room and washed the sheets, it is unlikely to be that.

It is more likely to be an allergic reaction. What have you sprayed/cleaned with? Did you use a different detergent to get rid of the mites? Did you put something on your bed? It may even be an allergic reaction to bird dander - which goes through the air as dust, settles on your clothes/bedding and then is pressed against your skin for hours.

Before you start dousing your room (or, heaven forbid, yourself!) with more chemicals, if you have a sudden rash, see a doctor, don't ask the internet. Even if it's hard.

It also may be fleas. Which, I get it. I have over a dozen cats and 3 big dogs, fleas happen. Especially down south.
TSC has a generic capstar. I'll pull up the link. Get the large dog size and dissolve the pill in 5cc of water, then 1cc will treat a cat. Do EVERY animal in your house on the same day. That will kill every flea that bites them for the next 3 days.
Then, get some mothballs and put them in your vacuum cleaner bag (or canister) and vacuum everything, floor, couch, mattress, everything. Hang all your bedding and the pet's bedding outside - yes, especially if it's freezing. Exposure is one of the few things that kills flea eggs.

If you feel that isn't enough, then Ortho has a flea and bedbug spray, it's about 16 at Home Depot, and you can order it off their website (but really please do make sure you're not reacting to any chemicals now!!! I just had a nightmarish reaction to a new brand of powdered bleach. In my laundry = no escape) and treat the house with that.

And, because nothing but exposure to the elements kills eggs or pupae, do it again in 2 weeks once everything hatches.
I have to go through the rigamarole at least once a year, because fleas happen. An outbreak usually costs me around $50 to get under control.
Ivermectin is NOT effective for COVID, that was disproven very early on, after several people poisoned themselves with it. It is a drug, it isn't harmless, don't take it on a whim.

Anyway, bird mites cannot feed off of mammalian blood. If you have cleaned the room and washed the sheets, it is unlikely to be that.

It is more likely to be an allergic reaction. What have you sprayed/cleaned with? Did you use a different detergent to get rid of the mites? Did you put something on your bed? It may even be an allergic reaction to bird dander - which goes through the air as dust, settles on your clothes/bedding and then is pressed against your skin for hours.

Before you start dousing your room (or, heaven forbid, yourself!) with more chemicals, if you have a sudden rash, see a doctor, don't ask the internet. Even if it's hard.

It also may be fleas. Which, I get it. I have over a dozen cats and 3 big dogs, fleas happen. Especially down south.
TSC has a generic capstar. I'll pull up the link. Get the large dog size and dissolve the pill in 5cc of water, then 1cc will treat a cat. Do EVERY animal in your house on the same day. That will kill every flea that bites them for the next 3 days.
Then, get some mothballs and put them in your vacuum cleaner bag (or canister) and vacuum everything, floor, couch, mattress, everything. Hang all your bedding and the pet's bedding outside - yes, especially if it's freezing. Exposure is one of the few things that kills flea eggs.

If you feel that isn't enough, then Ortho has a flea and bedbug spray, it's about 16 at Home Depot, and you can order it off their website (but really please do make sure you're not reacting to any chemicals now!!! I just had a nightmarish reaction to a new brand of powdered bleach. In my laundry = no escape) and treat the house with that.

And, because nothing but exposure to the elements kills eggs or pupae, do it again in 2 weeks once everything hatches.
I have to go through the rigamarole at least once a year, because fleas happen. An outbreak usually costs me around $50 to get under control.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this gently, but you're wrong. The NIH (US National Institute of Health) has recently approved the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID19.

Ivermectin has also been shown in studies to be an effective prophylactic against COVID19 infection if taken every two weeks at normal dosage of 0.2mg/kg, which works out to about 1mg per 11 pounds.

But remember, I'm just some random jerk on the internet. So please, talk to your doctor about dosing and possible drug interactions.

Where have you been in the last 8 weeks, RiverOtter? Didn't you watch the Senate testimony?
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I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this gently, but you're wrong. The NIH (US National Institute of Health) has recently approved the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID19.

Ivermectin has also been shown in studies to be an effective prophylactic against COVID19 infection if taken every two weeks at normal dosage of 0.2mg/kg, which works out to about 1mg per 11 pounds.

Where have you been in the last 8 weeks? Didn't you watch the Senate testimony?
If there's new information, I'm always happy to have it! If I'm wrong, I want to learn. Do you have a link?

Although I do have to point out that regardless, people taking info and self-dosing with cattle drugs is Not The Same as being treated with the same active ingredient (but different carriers) by a Dr, so no matter what you see on a forum, DO NOT TAKE MEDICAL ADVICE ONLINE AND DRUG YOURSELF. Also @parvani, if someone takes the info you posted, drugs themselves and something goes wrong, you can be tracked through your ip and held liable. So if you do give out medical and dosing advice on a public forum, always put a disclaimer like the one I wrote in caps. Or, just post a link to a study and tell people to educate themselves and talk to a medical professional in person and avoid the whole mess.

And, as you said, please read that gently and with concern. Not only would I hate to hear of some kid having a violent reaction and ending up hurt or killed, I would hate to see you suffer as well, for nothing more than being well-intentioned.

LOL, and for the last 8 weeks I've been managing a 400+ acre farm through an upstate NY winter, so no, I haven't. I've actually been actively avoiding anything touching near politics, as I have enough stress - I've had a cow down, been fighting with the township to actually plow my road after the truck and I slow-motion-slid 500 yards on solid ice into a tree, my one hay supplier ran short and I just lost my very beloved and valuable mare after a short and nasty illness. I post here when I come in to warm up or (like now) can't sleep.

I really would like to see that study though.

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