House infested with chicken mites

to me it sounds like both cases were more than mites. Lots of peeople have pointed out mites don't bite people so to get 200 bites and them living in a bed I would suspect lice, fleas or even bed bugs.
A bug bomb should help.
Years ago I was waking up with what looked like bites all over me. I washed the bedding and sprayed the mattress before I put the bedding back on and still was having issues. It turned out to be the laundry detergent that had some ingredient that was the problem. I switched to the free and clear and no more issues. I'm not suggesting that, only that I had a similar issue and that was my problem. A friend had the same issue and thought he had bedbugs or something and threw out his matress and bought another mattress before he found out it was the laundry detergent. Good luck...
If there's new information, I'm always happy to have it! If I'm wrong, I want to learn. Do you have a link?

Although I do have to point out that regardless, people taking info and self-dosing with cattle drugs is Not The Same as being treated with the same active ingredient (but different carriers) by a Dr, so no matter what you see on a forum, DO NOT TAKE MEDICAL ADVICE ONLINE AND DRUG YOURSELF. Also @parvani, if someone takes the info you posted, drugs themselves and something goes wrong, you can be tracked through your ip and held liable. So if you do give out medical and dosing advice on a public forum, always put a disclaimer like the one I wrote in caps. Or, just post a link to a study and tell people to educate themselves and talk to a medical professional in person and avoid the whole mess.

And, as you said, please read that gently and with concern. Not only would I hate to hear of some kid having a violent reaction and ending up hurt or killed, I would hate to see you suffer as well, for nothing more than being well-intentioned.

LOL, and for the last 8 weeks I've been managing a 400+ acre farm through an upstate NY winter, so no, I haven't. I've actually been actively avoiding anything touching near politics, as I have enough stress - I've had a cow down, been fighting with the township to actually plow my road after the truck and I slow-motion-slid 500 yards on solid ice into a tree, my one hay supplier ran short and I just lost my very beloved and valuable mare after a short and nasty illness. I post here when I come in to warm up or (like now) can't sleep.

I really would like to see that study though.

Wise advice which I decided to take. See my post edit.

And thanks for taking the time out of what is likely a frantically busy day in this cold snap. I hope that you, your family, and all your livestock are doing okay in this cold.
Thanks @parvani , for being so kind and for all your well wishes. We're all doing pretty ok. The animals are all otherwise staying fat and healthy and weathering the current ice storm like champs. Bracken's illness was sudden and caused by an issue she's had for a couple of years, but still took us nastily by surprise and it will take a while to recover from her loss, but that her lovely 9 month old foal is with us and doing well is a huge comfort. I take a minute to come here so often because folks here are so positive, and you exemplify that. It is a comfort to me.

Years ago I was waking up with what looked like bites all over me. I washed the bedding and sprayed the mattress before I put the bedding back on and still was having issues. It turned out to be the laundry detergent that had some ingredient that was the problem. I switched to the free and clear and no more issues. I'm not suggesting that, only that I had a similar issue and that was my problem. A friend had the same issue and thought he had bedbugs or something and threw out his matress and bought another mattress before he found out it was the laundry detergent. Good luck...
Recently, I grabbed a box of cheap powdered bleach because i was in town, had hauled everything to the laundromat (because might as well when I'm doing pillows and blankets anyway, nothing washes pillows like those big machines!) and gave my family a solid month of hives and hell. Like everyone else I thought fleas/bites/bedbugs, and did replace my son's mattress (which was likely a good idea anyway) but now I know, check for a contact allergy first!
to me it sounds like both cases were more than mites. Lots of peeople have pointed out mites don't bite people so to get 200 bites and them living in a bed I would suspect lice, fleas or even bed bugs.
Fowl mites do bite people, they just can't live off our blood. Doesn't stop them from trying.

In my case the bites I got did look very similar to photos online of bed bugs, (clustered small red prickly looking bites) so I had my pest company come and check for bed bugs, but they confirmed there wasn't any evidence of those and in the meantime I did manage to "catch" one mite from the bed to show the pest guy and he confirmed that it a mite.

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