How about Juicing???

chick inn

6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
I just got my first juicer for Christmas 2013. I challenged myself to have at least one juice per day, every day in January. I did it! It was a lot of fun trying different combinations and I got SO many more nutrients from fresh fruits and veggies that I normally don't eat. Bonus! My chickens LOVE the pulp especially when I mix in some oatmeal or yogurt. :) I've slowed down a bit on the juicing since january, but still have at least 3-5 32oz jars per week.

This is my juicer:

Here is a recipe perfect for tomorrow :)

We have a wheat grass setup where we grow from seed and juice that. :) It has a special juicer because it is so fibrous.

Hubby also likes making his "Spinach slam" drink: 3 cups spinach with mango chunks and apple juice in the blender. Nothing else needs to be added!
Mmmm!!! Spinach slam sounds good! Sometimes I make a spinach and apple juice & I like it enough but I should try adding mango! What kind of juicer do you have? Slow or fast? Do you feed your pulp to your chickens???
Great idea with the pulp. I haven't juiced in a while, got sidetracked from it and I do feel worse haha.
I know what you mean- I really need to get juicing on a regular basis again! Besides the great taste & hydration (I actually Hate drinking water
) it is so great for your body and makes you feel good too :)

Nice! My wife and I juice from time to time - fun and cool way to mix things around and get tasty juice.
Mmmm!!! Spinach slam sounds good! Sometimes I make a spinach and apple juice & I like it enough but I should try adding mango! What kind of juicer do you have? Slow or fast? Do you feed your pulp to your chickens???

We just use a regular blender. I'm a chicken newbie - ours are only about 3+ weeks old!

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Juicing is the way to go if you are not too much into eating your veggies or fruits. I use Nutribullet because it doesn't waste the fiber while juicing and just pulverizes your fruits and veggies. Throw in an apple, banana, little bit of protein powder, milk and little bit of wine and you got yourself and awesome workout drink.
We just use a regular blender. I'm a chicken newbie - ours are only about 3+ weeks old!

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They're so cute at that age!! Just love chickens- welcome to the club!

Juicing is the way to go if you are not too much into eating your veggies or fruits. I use Nutribullet because it doesn't waste the fiber while juicing and just pulverizes your fruits and veggies. Throw in an apple, banana, little bit of protein powder, milk and little bit of wine and you got yourself and awesome workout drink. :thumbsup

I like the light-ness of just the juice. I know it wastes a lot of fiber so I'm glad I have chickens that appreciate it!!! My juicer came w recipes for pasta and other things that you can add the fiber to but I just haven't gotten around to experimenting with those yet :)
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