How are Border Collies for pets and living with chickens

As a professional pet sitter and good friend of the national cow and sheep winner for this breed , I will say they are nice dogs...however..they DO NEED A JOB...they are not happy to lay around and be house pets, and from my experience Ive seen they develop nervous quirks, if they are not allowed to work. Its been bred into them..
We took our 8 week old BC home last friday and we all are in love with her she is a very special dog. She is very sweet and mellow (so far...) I am really happy with my descision to get her.

We named her , "Roxy" however I think we should have named her houdini since when we went to the breeder to pick her up on thursday evening she was missing and they thought she was stolen. The next morning the breeder called me and said she was back in the pen with the dogs. They think someone took her and returned her early in the morning. The other day we couldn't find her for an hour in our house and was afraid she got out, after searching the neighborhood just in case I came home and she was sitting in the living room obviously was hiding somewhere in the house.

This is Tilley she is three months in this picture,her dad is a sheltie and mom is boarder collie spaniel mix.She is in training,she is doing well ,we let 30 chcikens out yesterday and she was very good,followed them around.We keep telling her that you don`t eat family members
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:weee:weee She is beautiful and love the name or could it be because that is the name of my BC. Enjoy her she will add alot to you and your children's life
What a cute puppy! I love Border Collies!

Here is a picture of mine "guarding" the coop:


I say "guarding" because really all he does is run circles under the coop (an old cotton trailer) trying to herd them. He has a path worn out where he runs. When they are free ranging he couldn't care less about them.

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