How attached to your spouse are you?

This is pretty close to how I feel when he is at work.

the others I am usually OK when I am also at work, but home without him is just a touch sad. He's my best bud.
When we met we both said it felt not like meeting for the first time, but relief like whew! Found you! YOu know that feeling you get when you are at a party or something and you get separated from your partner? You're fine and all and the people are nice enough but you just keep looking for them, when you find them again its relief and a sense of comfort. That's how it felt when we met.

15 years 13 married......
I would say I am probably a little more attached than he is. We have been married for 21 years, since just out of high school, dated for 2 yrs before that. I would be totally happy if he didn't have to work and could stay home with me 24/7, but I think he likes getting away from the house for a few hours at least. He goes stir crazy when he is home for too long lol. He does say that some days he can't wait to get home, though.

Work gets him for 12 hours a day, then its dinner, comp or video game time, maybe a household chore or two, showertime, we get to bed usually between 9 and 10, if we are lucky, and due to his taking Ambien to sleep, he has to go to sleep around 10 to get 7-8 hours of sleep. Sooo we are lucky to get 1 hour of peaceful alone time a day (which our youngest child still interupts every 20 mins or so) me, that is just not enough. We do get time together on the weekends, but they are usually spent running errands, doing chores, working on chicken coops, watching some sort of sports or he is at the races every Saturday night from March til Nov. So even though we are together, we often seem to be doing our own things or busy thinking about something other than each other. So I never feel like I have enough time to spend alone with him. Never asked him, but I am sure all of those things we do together or just his time at home, he considers time spent 'with me', men see things differently lol. He is my best friend and the house always seems 'off' when he is not here. He always tells me I have the boys and animals for company...but nope, the house still feels incomplete.
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My husband and I run a business together, so we are together a good portion of the time. Days like today when he is home sick and not popping in and out of the shop all day long make me really miss him. On the other hand, I take one day a week off to stay home and do household chores and on those days I'm so busy I enjoy just having the dogs and cats for company since they don't distract me much. DH, however, never fails to come home on those days and tell me he missed me.

He had to go to a week-long training in Ohio once and it nearly killed both of us, I think.
We've been together for 17 years, married 13, and over time we've become more enamored of other's company instead of less.
We do nearly everything together, with the exception of his two evenings of basketball and my horseback riding.
If we are both working, it is ok, but if Ken isn't there when I get home, the time goes by VERY slowly waiting for him to come home. On the other side, if I am not home by 5:30 and have not calle, he is ready to jump in his truck and go look for me.
We both have our thing and are pretty much from different worlds. Blue collar guy with a blue blood girl. (Well she's really not blue blood, but her interests are more blue blood than mine.) My primary hobby is the outdoors and beagle field trials plus pigeons and soon to have chickens once again. Her primary hobby is theater, acting and directing, and she is good. We do very well on our own, but do a heck of a lot better when we are together. When only one is home, the house just has an emptiness. We always seperate with a kiss and "I love you" and greet one another with the same upon return. Our kids say we must go together in a major catastrophe they don't want to have to deal with the survivor. All of this after nearly 47 years of marriage. We're lucky and realize it.
You never know.... A little eau de pew might make all the difference.
Or depending on how many animals you have and where..... eau de poo.

And on that note Sharon will be home in about 20 minutes so time to build the fire so she can be toasty warm, turn on the porch light, finish dinner and meet her at the door. Even us manly men have chores. LOL


Front porch light was on, fire was burning nicely, and I was greeted by the pack and
All smelling like the outside and like they had enjoyed their day together. No bones are allowed in the house, so I guess they hide them all or ate them.
Now everyone is laying around the living room and yes that includes Steve. On the floor in front of the fire.
I guess I will sign off now and try to find a place in front of the fire too.
Love you, Steve, and your funny post.

Now THAT would make that butt sniffing/rolling in stinky stuff thing not so noticeable!!

It's so noce to read about good marriages. May the Lord bless your wonderful marriage even more!

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